Trees and Snails

I have actually gotten a little bit of stitching done during the day today, which is unusual. I’m working on Mystery 9. My brain may not be working though. I’ve had two instances today where I miscounted somewhere and couldn’t see where, so I had to get Eric to look at it. Luckily they did not involve much ripping out. Maybe after dinner I will have better luck. We ran some errands this afternoon, but nothing too exciting. Eric is building me a new computer, so he’s been at that all day (which left me time to stitch!). Last night I worked on Barnabee, but did not get a lot done. I only stitched for about an hour. I did manage to get the row of snails stitched, though. They are kinda cute.

I’ve also made a little more progress on my Baby Garden. I almost have a tree.

I think once I get this top large band stitched, the smaller bands underneath it should go much faster. Here’s hoping.

Not too much else going on here. I ordered my goodies with the part of my bonus I get to play with this morning. I can hardly wait!!! Now, if I could just get my husband to move all the computer parts from in front of my craft closet door, I could actually get to some of my stuff that I need. Hope you are all having a great weekend!

Walk to Rivendell: Total Miles Walked (33.5)

I am grateful for cappuccino.

28 thoughts on “Trees and Snails”

  1. The snails are way too cute! and the baby garden is looking nice too 🙂

    What did ya order??? huh huh?? *lol* Have you ordered the Drawn Thread ABC and DEF? or the Toccata3? I have those coming and would love a SAL for them 🙂

  2. The snails are way too cute! and the baby garden is looking nice too 🙂

    What did ya order??? huh huh?? *lol* Have you ordered the Drawn Thread ABC and DEF? or the Toccata3? I have those coming and would love a SAL for them 🙂

  3. Hi Michelle, I’m really enjoying seeing your Just Nan stitching. Lots of lovely new stash to play with there, I haven’t seen the Papillion Creations sampler before – thanks for the enabling, lol.

  4. Hi Michelle, I’m really enjoying seeing your Just Nan stitching. Lots of lovely new stash to play with there, I haven’t seen the Papillion Creations sampler before – thanks for the enabling, lol.

  5. Those snails are cute, but they were slightly annoying to stitch. Well, only partly. I think the cuteness factor more than made up for it, though. 😉

  6. Those snails are cute, but they were slightly annoying to stitch. Well, only partly. I think the cuteness factor more than made up for it, though. 😉

  7. I love the colours in Barnabee. Every picture I see of this, they just pop right off the screen. I’m desperately in need of colour right now, winter seems to last foreverrrrr!

  8. I love the colours in Barnabee. Every picture I see of this, they just pop right off the screen. I’m desperately in need of colour right now, winter seems to last foreverrrrr!

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