I have actually gotten a little bit of stitching done during the day today, which is unusual. I’m working on Mystery 9. My brain may not be working though. I’ve had two instances today where I miscounted somewhere and couldn’t see where, so I had to get Eric to look at it. Luckily they did not involve much ripping out. Maybe after dinner I will have better luck. We ran some errands this afternoon, but nothing too exciting. Eric is building me a new computer, so he’s been at that all day (which left me time to stitch!). Last night I worked on Barnabee, but did not get a lot done. I only stitched for about an hour. I did manage to get the row of snails stitched, though. They are kinda cute.

I’ve also made a little more progress on my Baby Garden. I almost have a tree.

I think once I get this top large band stitched, the smaller bands underneath it should go much faster. Here’s hoping.
Not too much else going on here. I ordered my goodies with the part of my bonus I get to play with this morning. I can hardly wait!!! Now, if I could just get my husband to move all the computer parts from in front of my craft closet door, I could actually get to some of my stuff that I need. Hope you are all having a great weekend!
Walk to Rivendell: Total Miles Walked (33.5)
I am grateful for cappuccino.
Great progress! Love those little snails.
Great progress! Love those little snails.
Your Barnabee’s Quest and Baby Garden both look great. I love the row of snails.
Your Barnabee’s Quest and Baby Garden both look great. I love the row of snails.
Great to see you enjoying your Just Nans 🙂
Great to see you enjoying your Just Nans 🙂
Both your Just Nans are looking lovely Michelle.
Both your Just Nans are looking lovely Michelle.
Those snails are so cute! Lovely stitching, Michelle 🙂
Those snails are so cute! Lovely stitching, Michelle 🙂
Awww, those snails are cute!! You’ve made great progress on both pieces.
Awww, those snails are cute!! You’ve made great progress on both pieces.
The snails are way too cute! and the baby garden is looking nice too 🙂
What did ya order??? huh huh?? *lol* Have you ordered the Drawn Thread ABC and DEF? or the Toccata3? I have those coming and would love a SAL for them 🙂
The snails are way too cute! and the baby garden is looking nice too 🙂
What did ya order??? huh huh?? *lol* Have you ordered the Drawn Thread ABC and DEF? or the Toccata3? I have those coming and would love a SAL for them 🙂
Those snails were fun, weren’t they! Your BQ looks great so far
Those snails were fun, weren’t they! Your BQ looks great so far
Your snails are so cute and your Baby Garden is progressing nicely.
Your snails are so cute and your Baby Garden is progressing nicely.
Hi Michelle, I’m really enjoying seeing your Just Nan stitching. Lots of lovely new stash to play with there, I haven’t seen the Papillion Creations sampler before – thanks for the enabling, lol.
Hi Michelle, I’m really enjoying seeing your Just Nan stitching. Lots of lovely new stash to play with there, I haven’t seen the Papillion Creations sampler before – thanks for the enabling, lol.
Wonderful progress 🙂
Wonderful progress 🙂
Love your Just Nan WIPs. 🙂 And those are some cute snails.
Love your Just Nan WIPs. 🙂 And those are some cute snails.
Those snails are cute, but they were slightly annoying to stitch. Well, only partly. I think the cuteness factor more than made up for it, though. 😉
Those snails are cute, but they were slightly annoying to stitch. Well, only partly. I think the cuteness factor more than made up for it, though. 😉
I love the colours in Barnabee. Every picture I see of this, they just pop right off the screen. I’m desperately in need of colour right now, winter seems to last foreverrrrr!
I love the colours in Barnabee. Every picture I see of this, they just pop right off the screen. I’m desperately in need of colour right now, winter seems to last foreverrrrr!