Two Finishes

February Woolly Tyme
Homespun Elegance
Weeks & Crescent Colors on 28ct Overdyed Linen
Brass Heart Charm
1/15/07 – 2/10/07

I did the finishing on my sheep blanket yesterday, and now my sheep is happy. Once I finally got my threads in that I needed, this finished up really quickly. I was missing the color for the hearts and the color for the bird. The little cream colored dots are French knots. They sort of look like Baby’s Breath to me. I ordered my thread for the March blanket at the same time I ordered February’s, so I will probably go ahead and start on that one this week. From what I understand, they will be sending April, May and June’s blankets at one time, and that will finish up the year. It’s been fun stitching these and keeping up with them (mostly).

I also finished up Part 6 of Mystery 9 last night. All I lacked was the specialty stitches. But, since I didn’t stitch at all last weekend (migraine), I didn’t finish it up last weekend as I had anticipated. So, a quick finish.

Next, I am on to the last set of the dreaded triangles. I am so glad this is moving along now. I’ll be happier when the triangles are done though. They look awesome, but I am worn out on them.

We watched Hamlet yesterday afternoon, the next movie in the Academy Award list. I had never seen this one (1948). It was really good. I have seen the Mel Gibson version and the Kenneth Branagh version. While the Branagh is still my favorite, this one was excellent. Next up is All The King’s Men, which when I read the DVD case isn’t what I thought it was…so it will be interesting to see. I don’t actually think I’ve read Hamlet. I read Henry V in school and Romeo and Juliet, but not Hamlet. A few years ago, I decided to spend some time reading some “classics”, and put myself on a reading program. I read Macbeth and really enjoyed it. Having not read a lot of Shakespeare can someone tell me if birds seem to be a common theme in his writing? In Macbeth it seemed there were birds all throughout that piece, enough so that it struck me. Funny, that all three of my cats have Shakespearean names, isn’t it?

Last night we went out to celebrate Valentine’s Day, and Eric’s new job. He has been working as a contractor, and was recently hired on. Definitely a reason to celebrate. And since Valentine’s Day is in the middle of the week, we decided to break it up into two separate evenings. So, last night we went to a place called Sambuca, which is a Mediterranean restaurant and Jazz club. We went for drinks and dessert and to listen to the band. It was excellent. We shared a chocolate toffee tort, which was so decadent! We also had their specialty martinis. I had a Wedding Cake martini and then a Key Lime martini. I could not tell you what was in them, but they were delicious! The band was fabulous, and we had a lovely time. Next Saturday, we have tickets to see Cirque de Soleil’s Corteo. We have seen Cirque three times, I think, and are really looking forward to seeing this new show.

Well, that’s it for me. Enjoy the last of your weekend! (and if somebody can tell my why Blogger thinks I no longer need spacing between my paragraphs, I’d love to hear it.) [Edited: HA! I think I fixed it…not that Blogger was any freakin’ help.]

I am grateful for chocolate.

32 thoughts on “Two Finishes”

  1. Leslie aka zoeandcooper

    Congrats on finishing both the blanket and part 6 of your Garden. I am with you on getting tired of those triangles! I love the rest though!

  2. Leslie aka zoeandcooper

    Congrats on finishing both the blanket and part 6 of your Garden. I am with you on getting tired of those triangles! I love the rest though!

  3. Your sheep looks very happy with his Feb blanket. When you watch the Adadmey Awards movies are you watching all of them even if you’ve seen them before? Or just the ones you’ve never seen before.

  4. Your sheep looks very happy with his Feb blanket. When you watch the Adadmey Awards movies are you watching all of them even if you’ve seen them before? Or just the ones you’ve never seen before.

  5. Congrats on your sheep blankie finish 🙂
    Looks great!

    Your mystery is looking fabulous! I really admire people that can stitch these…I know I could not do it…and the reason *I think* I couldn’t do it is the repeativeness of the pattern…but they are absolutely gorgeous and awe-inspiring when finished and when being stitched up…yours ig gorgeous 🙂

    I remember the days early in my marriage where we could go out alone together without any restrictions 🙂 What fun – cherish and enjoy your time together 🙂

  6. Congrats on your sheep blankie finish 🙂
    Looks great!

    Your mystery is looking fabulous! I really admire people that can stitch these…I know I could not do it…and the reason *I think* I couldn’t do it is the repeativeness of the pattern…but they are absolutely gorgeous and awe-inspiring when finished and when being stitched up…yours ig gorgeous 🙂

    I remember the days early in my marriage where we could go out alone together without any restrictions 🙂 What fun – cherish and enjoy your time together 🙂

  7. I’m intrigued by your plan to watch all the Oscar winning films – I might have to try to convince DH that we should do that too.

    Your Mystery 9 is coming along gorgeously!

  8. I’m intrigued by your plan to watch all the Oscar winning films – I might have to try to convince DH that we should do that too.

    Your Mystery 9 is coming along gorgeously!

  9. The Silver Thistle

    The mystery is coming along great! I love watching the progress of Martina’s pieces.

    I’m doing the MTM just now and am loving it, but the repetitiveness is the thing that gets to me too sometimes.

    The sheep is adorable and congrats on another finish!

  10. The Silver Thistle

    The mystery is coming along great! I love watching the progress of Martina’s pieces.

    I’m doing the MTM just now and am loving it, but the repetitiveness is the thing that gets to me too sometimes.

    The sheep is adorable and congrats on another finish!

  11. Your February sheepie blanket is awesome! You’ve done a much better job at keeping up than I have. I’m stuck back in October.

  12. Your February sheepie blanket is awesome! You’ve done a much better job at keeping up than I have. I’m stuck back in October.

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