Two of Hearts

For You
From the Itty Bitty Romance chart
Twisted Threads
DMC on 32ct Zweigart Belfast Cream
Framed in Twisted Threads Heart Tin Frame
Finished 2/12/08

Happy Valentine’s Day! As you can see, I have a finish to show you. I will be giving this to Eric later today after dinner. I am really pleased with how this came out once I restarted it. The lettering does show up better in person. It has smyrna crosses as well as some Algerian eyelets. The tin frame the chart recommended was not something I could get my hands on, but I like this one with the gold heart on it. I hope Eric likes it! This was stitched over one and is only about 2 1/2 inches across, if that. Did I mention that I started this piece back in January of 2006. It only took two years to finish – HA!

Red Thread: Snowman
Bent Creek
DMC, GAST & Weeks on 32ct Wichelt Light Mocha
Embellished with Snaps
Finished 2/12/08

Next up, I finished my January Red Thread. I was really needing small projects to work on this week, because my shoulder is still bothering me. I also didn’t really feel like working on anything too complicated. I did use three strands of thread for the scarf, and I did go back and redo the dark brown of his eyes and buttons with three strands – I’m pleased with how it looks. I’m moving right on to my February block for the Red Thread SAL in the hopes of catching up. Once I’m through with those, I will need to start work on my Neighborhood RRs. Today is a happy day, so I will wait until next time to share with you all the details of what is going on with the RR.

My second interview went well on Tuesday. I am feeling pretty confident about this opportunity. Keep your fingers crossed!! Tonight we will have some champagne and another piece of our wedding cake after dinner to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Tomorrow Eric is taking me out for drinks at that fabulous martini bar we went to last year. It’s kind of a splurge, but I think we both need a night out!

I am grateful for finishes and my sweet husband!

34 thoughts on “Two of Hearts”

  1. I love your two finishes Michelle 🙂 The heart is so sweet and your eyelets are so neat! Mine never look that good.

    Hope your shoulder is better soon – keeping my fingers crossed on the interview front for you!

  2. I love your two finishes Michelle 🙂 The heart is so sweet and your eyelets are so neat! Mine never look that good.

    Hope your shoulder is better soon – keeping my fingers crossed on the interview front for you!

  3. My fingers are firmly crossed for you (well, except now, ’cause I wouldn’t be able to type with my fingers crossed) that your enxt interview goes well.

    Your XS-pieces look fab, as all your work does. Have fun tomorow!

  4. My fingers are firmly crossed for you (well, except now, ’cause I wouldn’t be able to type with my fingers crossed) that your enxt interview goes well.

    Your XS-pieces look fab, as all your work does. Have fun tomorow!

  5. Michelle, both finishes are beautiful! I wish you the best of luck with the job, I hope you get it!

    Enjoy yourself tonight!

  6. Michelle, both finishes are beautiful! I wish you the best of luck with the job, I hope you get it!

    Enjoy yourself tonight!

  7. Your two finishes are adorable. I just love seeing stitched hearts around Valentine’s Day. Sending you loads of good wishes that you get the job offer. . . .

  8. Your two finishes are adorable. I just love seeing stitched hearts around Valentine’s Day. Sending you loads of good wishes that you get the job offer. . . .

  9. Very nice finishes! And a martini bar to boot! Lately I have been sipping pomegranate martinis instead of my beloved pinot noir. I tell myself it’s for the antioxidants!! Let us know what you have! Keeping my fingers crossed for you . . .

  10. Very nice finishes! And a martini bar to boot! Lately I have been sipping pomegranate martinis instead of my beloved pinot noir. I tell myself it’s for the antioxidants!! Let us know what you have! Keeping my fingers crossed for you . . .

  11. What a sweet little gift for Eric!! Good luck at your interview! I have a big MD appt that day too, so maybe we can bring each other some luck!

  12. What a sweet little gift for Eric!! Good luck at your interview! I have a big MD appt that day too, so maybe we can bring each other some luck!

  13. Great finishes Michelle! I hope you had a Happy Valentine’s Day – by the way, I especially like your heart tree in the previous post. Very festive!

  14. Great finishes Michelle! I hope you had a Happy Valentine’s Day – by the way, I especially like your heart tree in the previous post. Very festive!

  15. love your finishs .. that tin is perfect! Hope your shoulder is feeling better. and I’ll keep my toes crossed for you about the job .. that way I can still stitch! lol

  16. love your finishs .. that tin is perfect! Hope your shoulder is feeling better. and I’ll keep my toes crossed for you about the job .. that way I can still stitch! lol

  17. I think your heart turned out beautifully and works well with the tin frame that you got for it. 🙂 Congratulations on getting that second interview!

  18. I think your heart turned out beautifully and works well with the tin frame that you got for it. 🙂 Congratulations on getting that second interview!

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