Last night was the first night in a while that I’ve been able to sit down and stitch. I was so grateful for that!! I was able to finish off the date row on my Baby Garden piece (and yes, I’ve covered up the date). This leaves me with two more rows, the time row and then the picket fence row. Then I am finished!!! I will be so glad to have this one done. It seems like I’ve been working on it forever (well all this year anyway).
My workouts at the new gym have been going well, and I seem to be doing better this week with the soreness, etc. Plus, I have been able to sleep the past couple of nights, so that helps tremendously. I am a little frustrated that I have gained weight since starting at the gym, but hopefully that will start to go the other direction soon!
I hope to have Peony in Love finished today (since my book club is Friday). And since I set a goal of reading three books this month, and Peony would be number two, I’d better get on it! The book is so good though, not at all what I was expecting.
And you might be interested to know that Piecework Magazine is having a contest for pincushions. Here’s a link to the info.

I received a few goodies in the mail this week. My new Limited Edition WhimZi from Just Nan, Autumn Spell came as well as a chart from a French designer that I just fell in love with. Look at it all stitched up here. Cute, no?

And I’ve been wanting a System 4 stand for awhile now. I am hoping that it will help me to stay motivated with my larger projects (like my Mystery 9) as it will keep me from having to hold a huge q-snap for long periods of time. Since the System 4 is so expensive, I’m buying it one piece at a time. This is just the stand itself, so I can’t do anything with it at this point. Not very exciting, I’m afraid. But hopefully for Christmas maybe I can get another part. My mom assisted with this purchase as part of my birthday gift. Because it is shipped from the manufacturer directly, it takes a little while to show up. But, yay! I am on my way to having a great stand!
That’s about all I’ve got for today. I know there are still two more things I’ve been promising to show you, my new sewing machine and the Philadelphia photos. Eric has finished his editing on the photos, so I just need to sit down and pick out some to share. And my sewing machine is out of the box, but I just need to sit down and figure out how to put all the pieces together and get to sewing!! So, as soon as I can do that “sit down” thing, I’ll have lots to show!
Walk to Rivendell: Stop by Old Man Willow to rest. (ca. 5:30) Rescued by Tom Bombadil (ca.6:00 p.m.). (Total Miles Walked: 96.75)
I am grateful for getting things done and feeling productive.
BG is looking great! You will LOVE your System 4 stand, when completed. I’ve had one for about 10 years now and I won’t stitch without it! It’s the best stand available, IMHO! Well worth the ‘investment’!
BG is looking great! You will LOVE your System 4 stand, when completed. I’ve had one for about 10 years now and I won’t stitch without it! It’s the best stand available, IMHO! Well worth the ‘investment’!
Lovely progress on Baby Garden, Michelle! I look forward to seeing your HD.
Lovely progress on Baby Garden, Michelle! I look forward to seeing your HD.
Expect to see a fabulous pin cushion from you? 🙂
Expect to see a fabulous pin cushion from you? 🙂
I’m glad to read that you liked Peony in Love–I got that from the library, and it’s waiting in the pile until my RR is sent off next Monday. Baby Garden is just lovely! I’ll have to look for the System 4 stands–I’ve never heard of them before! And you know, those pounds at the gym are new muscles, which weigh more than fat.
I’m glad to read that you liked Peony in Love–I got that from the library, and it’s waiting in the pile until my RR is sent off next Monday. Baby Garden is just lovely! I’ll have to look for the System 4 stands–I’ve never heard of them before! And you know, those pounds at the gym are new muscles, which weigh more than fat.
BG looks great .. I bet you are soo excited to have it done 🙂
nice stash!!!
It is frustrating when you ‘ve been so good working out and dieting to gain isn’t it? Just relax and you know the weight will come off 🙂 The same thing has been happening to me too.
BG looks great .. I bet you are soo excited to have it done 🙂
nice stash!!!
It is frustrating when you ‘ve been so good working out and dieting to gain isn’t it? Just relax and you know the weight will come off 🙂 The same thing has been happening to me too.
Baby Garden looks great!!
Baby Garden looks great!!
Baby garden is looking really lovely.
Baby garden is looking really lovely.
Hi Michelle,
I am very pleased to see that you like my little chart. I am really proud that they travel all over the world ! Please send me a picture when finished and I’ll post it on my blog.
And keep courage for the diet, we are all in the same case …
Happy stitching !
Hi Michelle,
I am very pleased to see that you like my little chart. I am really proud that they travel all over the world ! Please send me a picture when finished and I’ll post it on my blog.
And keep courage for the diet, we are all in the same case …
Happy stitching !
no any comments.i am a students ,come from malaysia.can i be a friend with you.i wanna learn english but nobody chat with me.if cannot,never mind.thanks
no any comments.i am a students ,come from malaysia.can i be a friend with you.i wanna learn english but nobody chat with me.if cannot,never mind.thanks
You know the weight gain is actually reflecting muscle gain, right? Maybe measuring inches lost rather than pounds lost would feel more rewarding? 🙂
Lovely progress on Baby Garden!!!
You know the weight gain is actually reflecting muscle gain, right? Maybe measuring inches lost rather than pounds lost would feel more rewarding? 🙂
Lovely progress on Baby Garden!!!
Wow, almost done now!!!! I love the new Autumn Whimzi.
Wow, almost done now!!!! I love the new Autumn Whimzi.
Baby Garden is looking gorgeous! Not long to go now to your finish:)
Your new stash is lovely.
Baby Garden is looking gorgeous! Not long to go now to your finish:)
Your new stash is lovely.
Baby Garden is looking great. Can’t wait to see a pic of it finished 🙂
Baby Garden is looking great. Can’t wait to see a pic of it finished 🙂
Jenn, your Baby Garden is just really beautiful!!! I have never seen the stand you are getting but I sure do need one for my round robin. My stand won’t stay up! I will have to look at that!! You are doing a really great job on your baby garden!! Keep up the good work!
Debby 🙂
Jenn, your Baby Garden is just really beautiful!!! I have never seen the stand you are getting but I sure do need one for my round robin. My stand won’t stay up! I will have to look at that!! You are doing a really great job on your baby garden!! Keep up the good work!
Debby 🙂
Oh Michelle how wonderful to come back to blogland and find all your lovely pieces here to drool over. You’ve been busy!
And you had a birthday too! I’m so sorry I wasn’t here to wish you well on your special day. Sending belated birthday wishes now though 🙂
I tried to make a pact with myself to catch up on my ‘to read’ list too but so far I haven’t seemed to manage to make my way through very many of them yet 🙁 It’s good to see you finding time for yours though. I MUST juggle things a bit better and try to fit some literature back into my life. I had intended to start ‘The Kitchen Boy’ by Robert Alexander as it got good reviews but a bloggy friend mentioned that she like all to do with the Russian Tzars and that time period so my copy was sent as a gift but one of these days I know I’ll get around to it.
HOpe I manage to stay around this time to keep up with all your news 🙂
Oh Michelle how wonderful to come back to blogland and find all your lovely pieces here to drool over. You’ve been busy!
And you had a birthday too! I’m so sorry I wasn’t here to wish you well on your special day. Sending belated birthday wishes now though 🙂
I tried to make a pact with myself to catch up on my ‘to read’ list too but so far I haven’t seemed to manage to make my way through very many of them yet 🙁 It’s good to see you finding time for yours though. I MUST juggle things a bit better and try to fit some literature back into my life. I had intended to start ‘The Kitchen Boy’ by Robert Alexander as it got good reviews but a bloggy friend mentioned that she like all to do with the Russian Tzars and that time period so my copy was sent as a gift but one of these days I know I’ll get around to it.
HOpe I manage to stay around this time to keep up with all your news 🙂
Wow I love the new stash. I love the JN piece, almost to the finish line…:)
Wow I love the new stash. I love the JN piece, almost to the finish line…:)
Absolutely love the new stash and Baby Garden is looking lovely!!!!
Thanks for the lovely comments on my blog…I so appreciate them!
Absolutely love the new stash and Baby Garden is looking lovely!!!!
Thanks for the lovely comments on my blog…I so appreciate them!
Baby Garden looks lovely – not too much more to go!
I’m so impressed by your tenacity and keeping with your exercising. You go girl!
Baby Garden looks lovely – not too much more to go!
I’m so impressed by your tenacity and keeping with your exercising. You go girl!
Hi Michelle,
Hope you’re having a great weekend, and the weather is as nice where you are as it is here. We’re into the perfect Fall weather. Warm and sunny in the day time, cool and clear at night.
Baby Garden is so pretty. I’m curious to see what the final two rows will be.
Your new stash is intriguing. Such a nice, diverse choice of charts.
The Just Nan Whimzee for Autumn has some fantastic colours in it, as is usual for her designs.
Glad to hear that you got some sleep during your time away. Considering how busy you always seem to be I can’t imagine why you aren’t falling asleep on your feet, never mind once you get into bed. Ah well, hopefully that will pass soon.
Congrats on the new stitching stand. These things are great for making it easier to stitch in comfort.
Cheers. Judy
Hi Michelle,
Hope you’re having a great weekend, and the weather is as nice where you are as it is here. We’re into the perfect Fall weather. Warm and sunny in the day time, cool and clear at night.
Baby Garden is so pretty. I’m curious to see what the final two rows will be.
Your new stash is intriguing. Such a nice, diverse choice of charts.
The Just Nan Whimzee for Autumn has some fantastic colours in it, as is usual for her designs.
Glad to hear that you got some sleep during your time away. Considering how busy you always seem to be I can’t imagine why you aren’t falling asleep on your feet, never mind once you get into bed. Ah well, hopefully that will pass soon.
Congrats on the new stitching stand. These things are great for making it easier to stitch in comfort.
Cheers. Judy
Baby Garden is so sweet!
Good for you for sticking with the gym. I have often heard that exercise comes with a bit of a weight gain at first – it can be from water retention – don’t let it deter you because it will come off again!
Baby Garden is so sweet!
Good for you for sticking with the gym. I have often heard that exercise comes with a bit of a weight gain at first – it can be from water retention – don’t let it deter you because it will come off again!
Hi Michelle,
Doing a bit of blog reading catch-up, I am about 2 months behind (eek!). Now that summer is over and school started I hope to keep up better. I love all the projects you’ve been working on and enjoy seeing everything! I hope to keep up better. Thank you for sharing with us =)
Hi Michelle,
Doing a bit of blog reading catch-up, I am about 2 months behind (eek!). Now that summer is over and school started I hope to keep up better. I love all the projects you’ve been working on and enjoy seeing everything! I hope to keep up better. Thank you for sharing with us =)
Absolutely darling, keep going girl! I usually haven’t left comments, when I read your blog, but just had to say congrats on your start of the System 4, you will love it. It will give you many years of stitching pleasure.
Absolutely darling, keep going girl! I usually haven’t left comments, when I read your blog, but just had to say congrats on your start of the System 4, you will love it. It will give you many years of stitching pleasure.
Michelle, I’m just loving your “Baby Garden,” and you know you’ve enabled me to get it for my grandchildren! It’s so precious. I don’t know the System 4 stand. Can you send me a link? Otherwise, am I sensing a downdraft in your psyche? What are you stitching next? That always helps when you’ve finished a big project and you get the “finishing blues!” Also, I liked “Peony…” but I didn’t think it was her best. I’d be curious to hear what your bookgroup thinks.
Sending hugs,
Michelle, I’m just loving your “Baby Garden,” and you know you’ve enabled me to get it for my grandchildren! It’s so precious. I don’t know the System 4 stand. Can you send me a link? Otherwise, am I sensing a downdraft in your psyche? What are you stitching next? That always helps when you’ve finished a big project and you get the “finishing blues!” Also, I liked “Peony…” but I didn’t think it was her best. I’d be curious to hear what your bookgroup thinks.
Sending hugs,
Baby Garden looks great! Not long to go now!
I really like that chart from echevette! Ive stitched a few freebies from this designer…merci and amitie.
Baby Garden looks great! Not long to go now!
I really like that chart from echevette! Ive stitched a few freebies from this designer…merci and amitie.
Baby Garden is looking lovely, great progress
Baby Garden is looking lovely, great progress
Your Baby Garden is so cute! I can’t wait to see it finished! I am very interested in how this System 4 Stand works for you. Keep us posted!
Your Baby Garden is so cute! I can’t wait to see it finished! I am very interested in how this System 4 Stand works for you. Keep us posted!
It’s looking great Michelle 🙂
It’s looking great Michelle 🙂
Great work on Baby Garden. You’re almost done! Woohoo!
Great work on Baby Garden. You’re almost done! Woohoo!