Under the Rug

A couple of years ago, at the Dallas Quilt Show, I purchased these two rug hooking kits. They are done with strips of wool on monks cloth. I had sort of forgotten about them until I made my 101 Things in 1001 Days list. And so, on that list I included completing both of these rugs. I love both of them, they are so primitive and folk-like. Love them. As the crafter that I am, I did not take into consideration that I have no idea how to do this kind of rug hooking. So, recently, when I ordered my next three books for my book club, I also ordered this…

This book looks really comprehensive. It talks about how to dye your own wool, how to cut it, how to transfer patterns, how to hook, and how to finish off your piece. It even has some patterns and projects in it. I am really excited to learn how to do this kind of rug hooking, and finally bring my little rugs to life.

Back in the day, I did latch-hooking. You know, where you buy the kit that includes the pre-cut yarn pieces, etc. I completed this wall-hanging, which I still think is pretty cool looking ( and HUGE). Not really my kind of thing anymore. But I really enjoyed the process of hooking the rug. So, I’ll let you know how this goes, when I finally get around to it. At least now, I have DIRECTIONS! That’s me, always thinkin’.

I am grateful for working with my hands.

12 thoughts on “Under the Rug”

  1. The Silver Thistle

    Hahah, I’m a bit like that. Us crafters must be all alike, heh. I bought a microwave kiln this week because I wanted to have a go at bead making. No clue where to start or how, I just figured it would be neat to give it a go, lol.

    I love your sheep rug, can’t wait to see how that turns out. And your tiger is fab!

  2. It’s always good to learn something new. I did a horse latch hook pillow when I was a kid. I’m sure my mom still has it somewhere.

  3. I love the term “back in the day”…I don’t know why, but I just do 🙂
    So anyway, Back in the Day…I did the little latch hook kits too…I bought one for my daughter for Christmas last year, and she just thinks it’s stupid…LOL!
    Your wool kits though are gorgeous! Love the sheep…I’m in to sheeps lately…??? Good Luck..I’m sure you’ll figure it all out and do an amazing job! 🙂

  4. The rugs look like fun projects. I’ve toyed with the idea of learning to do them, but I think my stitching keeps me busy enough. 🙂

  5. That latch hook quilt is stunning! 😉

    To answer your question from my blog, the Leanne’s Quilt is a Block of the month from here:

  6. This is my first visit to your blog .. and it’s a lovely blog! I used to hook rugs too .. weren’t the 70’s fun! lol

  7. Love the tiger. I made several huge latch-hook rugs back in the day, too. I haven’t tried rug hooking but I do have a locker-hooking project to try. I love the designs you chose for your rugs.

  8. Hi Michelle. Thank you for dropping by blog. Just had a look at your HAED Water ACEO and it’s looking gorgeous. I have it in my stash ( I love Sara Butcher’s artwork!) but have no idea when I will start it! Also very impressed with your Chatelaine mystery IX. I saw this in person last week as I met up with a lady from one of the stitchy boards and she is stitching this.

    I hope it’s OK to add you to my list of Blogs I Read as I’d like to visit again.

  9. Eclecticmk - Margie

    I’ve always wanted to learn how to do rug hooking also. But so much to do and so little time. 🙂 It will be fun to watch someone else give it a go someday

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