Unfinished Finishing

I have a confession.  I have a very bad habit of taking classes/workshops and then the project never sees the light of day again.  Maybe.  Ok, yes, seriously I do.  It may be a problem.  There is more than one instance where the only stitches I have in some pieces are the basting stitches.  Anyone else?  No?  Just me?

So, in order to try to break this horrible habit of mine, I’ve been working on finishing my Hare Pyns piece.  Some friends and I have occasionally gotten together to work on our finishing together, which is very helpful.  I admit that I am a complete amateur when it comes to finishing, I’m actually a little afraid of it.  Which is why it requires moral support.

So, when last you saw this piece it was newly stitched and I’d attended the class.  I had the main sewing pocket stitched, and then the pinkeep and needlebook.  That was November 2011 and I believe my statement in that post was “I hope to have this finished by the end of the year.”  Oh the shame.

Moving on.

I have the pinkeep attached to the main piece, as you can see in the photo above.  I have the inner lining attached and the angled pockets attached.

I have the gussets made, the divider with the ribbon made, and the little pocket made.  Oh, and I have the pretty glass button sewn on.

I have sewn the little pocket onto the reverse side of the ribbon divider, and then attached the gussets to both sides of the divider.

It is coming along very slowly.  But it is coming along.   I’m in fact almost to the point where I need to actually get my scissor sheath and fob stitched.  Yes, I know…sad that I still don’t have those stitched even.  I do actually have that divider and the gussets sewn in and it’s starting to actually look like a pocket now, which is kind of exciting.

Lately, I’ve really been in the mood to finish up some of these longstanding pieces that have been sorely neglected and hanging around unfinished for-evah it seems.  This piece definitely falls in the realm of things that are on my Dude, Get On That Already list.

So, more to come on things of the finished variety, and definitely more to come on the Hare’s grand adventure.

I am grateful for podcasts keeping me sane.

22 thoughts on “Unfinished Finishing”

  1. I think we all have some of “those” projects! Hare Pyns is a class I have long admired but never had the opportunity to take. I hear it is retired now and I am sad to never have the chance at such a great project!

    If you enjoyed the class and learned something from it, then don’t guilt yourself over finishing the project.

  2. I think we all have some of “those” projects! Hare Pyns is a class I have long admired but never had the opportunity to take. I hear it is retired now and I am sad to never have the chance at such a great project!

    If you enjoyed the class and learned something from it, then don’t guilt yourself over finishing the project.

  3. 1, like you, am lpalways afraid of that final finish. For me, I struggle with the written instructions. Thank heavens I have Dani who is always happy to help me. She is helping me with 2 JN owls this weekend.
    Keep up the good work. It will make a beautiful finished set.

  4. 1, like you, am lpalways afraid of that final finish. For me, I struggle with the written instructions. Thank heavens I have Dani who is always happy to help me. She is helping me with 2 JN owls this weekend.
    Keep up the good work. It will make a beautiful finished set.

  5. You aren’t alone. We enjoy stitching more than finishing! Your project is just beautiful and I’m anxious to see the end result.

  6. You aren’t alone. We enjoy stitching more than finishing! Your project is just beautiful and I’m anxious to see the end result.

  7. Michelle, How very beautiful. I too take classes and then the project seems to sit, sometimes for years. UGH!

    If I did not have other pressing projects to complete I would take out one of my class projects and attempt to finish it!

    Beautiful work as always.

  8. Michelle, How very beautiful. I too take classes and then the project seems to sit, sometimes for years. UGH!

    If I did not have other pressing projects to complete I would take out one of my class projects and attempt to finish it!

    Beautiful work as always.

  9. Is that 2011? It’s impossible it was that long ago. Surely it was yesterday you were finishing your pre-stitching. I loved this one from the moment I saw it on your blog!

  10. Is that 2011? It’s impossible it was that long ago. Surely it was yesterday you were finishing your pre-stitching. I loved this one from the moment I saw it on your blog!

  11. So pretty, I hope you finish … even if it does take another couple of years … which I don’t think it will. I have a feeling you will finish it completely.

  12. So pretty, I hope you finish … even if it does take another couple of years … which I don’t think it will. I have a feeling you will finish it completely.

  13. Hi Michelle, it is a long, long time since I last visited your blog. This project looks so lovely so am glad you are starting to finish it up. I’ve never taken a class but am bad with leaving things wallowing in a pile waiting to be made up!

  14. Hi Michelle, it is a long, long time since I last visited your blog. This project looks so lovely so am glad you are starting to finish it up. I’ve never taken a class but am bad with leaving things wallowing in a pile waiting to be made up!

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