Finally, last night, I was able to get this finished. This was last month’s quilt block. Sorry for the washed out photo (someone give this girl a Photoshop lesson). I picked up this month’s block last weekend. I do enjoy piecing these blocks. I unfortunately cut my fabric wrong, and they only give you just enough. So, while I was picking up my block, I had to buy more of the blue fabric. Ack. I hate when I do that. Luckily, I found a reasonable facsimile of the blue they gave me. And as for stitching…well, I am not having much luck with that either. I bent my needle. Don’t know how I did it, but I am not happy. I am plugging away on the stocking, but for some reason, it is just slow going. The fabric is a HUGE count (18), and you would think it would go super fast…not so. In fact, aside from bending my needle, it is also making my hands ache (that could also be attributed to going from 80 degrees to below 50 in the span of an afternoon). So, that’s what’s going on with me, darlings. Amy did tag me though (my first tag), so I will answer the tag below…but y’all have to promise not to disown me.
The rules:List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether or not they have words, or even if they’re not any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your blog along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they’re listening to.
Here’s what’s on my iPod at the moment
1. Get Me Bodied (Beyonce)
2. Money Maker (Ludacris)
3. It’s Your Love (Tim McGraw & Faith Hill)
4. Shake it Off (Mariah Carey)
5. Get Right (JLo)
6. Goldigger (Kanye West)
7. Various Turkish Music for Bellydancing – fav. album Turbo Tabla
So there you have it…you might have figured out I spend a lot of time with my iPod at the gym. And I am loving it! I’m still on the lookout for a cool case for my iPod, but haven’t found one I like. So, consider yourself tagged if you’d like to post up your fave songs!
And that’s all that’s going on with me right now. I do have to apologize to everyone though, I have not had time to get around to reading anyone’s blog in the past several days. Work is putting on the eagle eye…so you know what that means. I will try to get around to everyone’s blog soon, I promise.
I am grateful for knowing that the right time will be the right time.
Your quilt square looks pretty good to me. Wish I had patience for quilting!
That’s a lovely quilt block Michelle!
I love the quilt block. Very cool. Ann.
The quilt block is pretty! Good job on it.
Pretty quilt block. Nice job.
Did you know Brighton carries some really pretty iPod cases? I got one that has cherries on it, it was about $40, which was only about $10 more than one I saw at Circuit City that was pink leather. The Brighton one is leather too.
Love me some Kanye, that Gold Digger song is just something else, lol!
PS, blogger wouldn’t let me comment since i changed over to beta…weird