
Still have my migraine, so this will be a short post. I managed to do a little February decorating yesterday. The pillow is chenille. A friend of mine made it for me many Valentine’s Days ago. The vase is a wedding gift from two wonderful friends, and it just seems perfect for tulips.

I made a little progress on my Valentine project. It is going to require hand-sewing though, so it will be a good take along project for me. I got out my scissors from Jenna to use too!

I also finished up my First Snow piece into a wall hanging. The fabric is a dark green homespun-like fabric. The buttons are coconut. I love how this turned out. So rarely can I create what I envision in my head, but this was exactly it. I have a dowel rod that Eric is going to cut down for me so that I can hang this. I love love love it. My sister and my neice are in town today, so we are going to visit with them at my mom’s house. I am looking forward to it. Hopefully, the migraine will pass soon.

I am grateful for ice packs.

15 thoughts on “Valentines”

  1. You have a lot of “heart” 🙂 🙂 I love all the different heart cutouts 🙂

    Tha vase is GORGEOUS! What a nice gift 🙂

    First snow looks great finished that way! Congratultaions 🙂

    I hope your migraine goes away!

  2. Wow, those tulips look STUNNING!! I adore them in that vase 🙂 Love your wallhanging too, and of course I can’t wait to see the exchange piece 😀

  3. I love that vase…what style you have in decorating 🙂
    Your First Snow project is just adorable 🙂
    Feel better with that migrane!

  4. I hope that migraine is gone now. If you want to chat about different things I’ve tried with mine over the years, feel free to email me. I’m going on two decades worth of experience with them!

    I really like the vase. It’s very elegant and unique. I love your finish, too. Well done! It looks perfect. 🙂

  5. Michelle, I hope that your migraine is gone by now and you are feeling much better. Your First Snow is just beautiful! I just love birds and we feed lots of them where I live here in the woods! Debby

  6. Hi Michelle, hope you are feeling lots better. I love the seasonal thing you are doing on your blog-lovely idea. Great finish!

  7. The Silver Thistle

    That is a beautiful vase! It looks like it was just made for those tulips!

    Lovely wall hanging too. I know what you mean about things not turning out the same as they are in your head..but the hanging is fab!!

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