
Yesterday I finished stitching my first block on Tesori d’Italia. This is for the Veneto region. The motifs are View of Venice, Carnival of Venice, Gondolier, Romeo and Juliet, Winged Lion and the Chessboard of Marostica. I love how this is turning out, although I am going to have to stitch these up much faster if I want to get all of them done before our anniversary. Next up is Liguria.

I also was able to cross number 27 off my 101 Things in 1001 Days list, “Frame Bahamas Maps”. The custom mat I ordered for the maps finally was done right, and I picked it up yesterday and popped everything into a frame! It looks great, and I am so pleased to have them framed. Eric and I bought them on our cruise to the Bahamas, where he proposed.

Saturday was spent dress shopping. I was in dire need of a dress to wear to his cousin’s wedding in August. I found a gorgeous black cocktail dress, which will be perfect and a red and white sundress (which I have always wanted) to wear on Friday night before the wedding. Saturday night when we got home, my copy of the new Harry Potter was waiting for me, so I settled in to read that night. Aside from Harry, the rest of my mail this weekend was fantastic too!

I received my Silkweaver Fabric of the Month, my Stitching Bits & Bobs order, which included thread for my next Shepherds Bush ornament, and finally my next Block of the Month for the Leanne’s House quilt. So happy with everything!

I’m so excited to be finished with Veneto, and I am really happy with my color scheme (thanks Mia!). I did outline three of the hearts with gold, it is just a touch of sparkle, but not too much. Love it!

I am grateful for two new dresses!

14 thoughts on “Veneto”

  1. Dress shopping can either be very disappointing or very rewarding, glad you got TWO great dresses, woo! I love your Veneto block, this is a really big one to stitch, you better get going 😀

    I want to do the LeAnn’s House blocks so so badly. Someday I will try to, they are just beautiful. Great stash 🙂

  2. Singular Stitches

    Veneto is very pretty!

    Have fun reading HP! (Have you seen Charmed Knits? – from Alison at The Blue Blog)

  3. Aussie Stitcher

    It is looking great, just read about the issues with your house, I hope you get things sorted soon.


  4. Veneto is lovely. You got some awesome stash! You should show us your Bahamas map picture-I would love to see it.

  5. Lovely stitching there Michelle! And such lovely stitchy stash too!
    I just bet your new dresses are gorgeous!

  6. Veneto is lovely Michelle.

    very nice new stash too and the HP book too! My ldest DD finished it on Sunday! She couldn’t put it down.

  7. I wanna see the dresses!!! lol .. so glad you found two you loved!!!

    Veneto is awesome 🙂 can’t wait to see this grow.

    Nice stash!

    My 19 yr old son is reading HP .. here’s what he emailed me this morning …
    “so i got alot further on harry potter…it is sooooo goood…im on chapter 22 now…i was on chapter 10 yesterday…i had a hard time putting it down last night (it was nearly 3am when i forced myself to put it down)…this is by far the best book yet…”

  8. Nice job on Veneto! I have Harry Potter too. We are leaving for vacation on Thursday so I am trying to keep my hands off it till then.

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