Victory is Mine!

Guess what I got today!! I have signed up for Martina’s Pompeii Garden. This is my reward for losing six pounds this month! I am so proud of myself, and so excited that I get this as a reward also. I won’t be stitching this anytime soon, but I am excited to see the pattern unfold (and I can live vicariously through Nicki). This pattern is just so beautiful and reminds me of my honeymoon in Rome. I’ve already picked out my next reward too – Mystery X. The colors Martina has chosen for that one look amazing. This morning I wasn’t too sure I was going to have much to blog about tonight, since I’ve had to start on my Just Nan RR and don’t have a lot to show. So, I figured I would just talk about the weather. But, just when I thought the bright spot in my day was going to be drawing your attention to my weather pixie, I had the great success story, and when I got home looky what was there…

The first two charts for Autumn Snapperland, the border chart and the embellishments for the border. Now that I think of it though, wonder where my fabric is that should have been in the package??? The first two charts are pretty cute though. After the unfortunate incident with the Winter Snapperland series (ie the first chart and the last chart are almost identical – I am stitching it anyway, but you’ll see what I mean), they’ve done a much better job with Spring, Summer and so far Autumn looks good. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for the other two charts to be ok. Now, as your official Texas Weather Girl, I must keep y’all (see Anna, I can be taught) informed of the situation that is afoot. Texas weather, let’s recap…I believe I was mentioning that my weather pixie was still wearing tank tops in November. Well, this morning she was decked out in her November Texas tank top, at 3pm it was muggy and about 77 degrees F, and now…let’s see…it is 37 degrees. Yes, that would be a 40 degree drop in about three and a half hours. You got it…my weather pixie is freezing her backside off! We were under a tornado watch for part of the evening and tomorrow we are supposed to get “wintry mix”, which means it will sleet and ice and we will all forget we know how to drive and will become morons. So, wish me luck getting to and from work tomorrow and someone please loan my pixie a coat (one that matches her platform heels preferably).

I am grateful for my continued determination to be the best I can be.

15 thoughts on “Victory is Mine!”

  1. WOW! That’s gonna be a handful but SO worth it.

    Congratulations on the weight loss!

    My WP has the same outfit on, ub tin pink and an umbrella and I think it’s adorable!! I’ll make sure to wash it when my WP is done. :o)

  2. Your WP is now sporting a lime green, fur-trimmed duffel coat and she looks very snug! Stay warm and safe if you’re out and about today!

  3. You are not kidding! We got a nice storm last night, and now it’s pretty chilly. The dog’s not eager to head outside this morning.

    The other Michelle in Texas

  4. Anna van Schurman

    Yay, you! Yay, you! I’m glad you took that in the spirit it was offered. I drive myself insane sometimes because I just can’t help myself; the words are out of my mouth before I realize I’ve said them.

  5. Congratulations on your weight loss!!! And on Pompeii Garden – it is a bit daunting to me – LOL! Must be Chatelaine burnout for me… I look forward to your eventual start!

  6. Congrats on your success in dieting! I’ll be on the bandwagon…1st of the year 😀

    Your Pompeii Garden will be fabulous! Congrats on your choosing such a lovely piece!

  7. Yay! Congratulations on your weight loss and your stash additions. Crazy weather you are having down there! I hope you are safe and warm, wherever you are. 🙂

  8. YOu are not kidding! The weather here is nutso, I’m in TX too! It was nice one minute and half an hour later the freezing wind blows right through you! ugh! perfect stitching weather though!

  9. Hooray, hoooray!! Good for you for the weight loss and good for you for Pompeii Garden! I still haven’t finished part 3 but once I get my obligation stuff out of the way I’ll be steaming ahead as fast as I can to show you piccies 🙂

    I didn’t realise Autumn Snapperland had started being released. Looks good so far. I agree with you totally about them all – winter is the least good.

    Your weather pixie got a coat! Well a jacket anyway. Our weather is silly too – I was so cold this morning and it’s supposed to be summer here!

  10. Congratulations!!You deserve a stitching treat! Although Chatlaines still intimidate me…. It’s 34 degrees here in Vegas and my weather pixie won’t put a coat on…she’s making me colder…LOL

  11. Congrats on the weight loss and the nice charts you bought. If you have it from the silverneedle, they put a note in the last one from summer snapperland, that the fabric won’t be with the autumn serie as there are a lot of fabrics to choose from

  12. Congratulations on the six pounds that you lost – what a great incentive. I’ll be watching for your progress on Pompei!

    Freezing cold in MN too…

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