The Villa

The Villa is finished! I finished it up on Saturday afternoon, and got started on the border. Here’s the whole thing before I started on the border.

I am pleased to be making some progress on this. Thank you everyone for your compliments on my beaded handbag. The beading itself wasn’t hard, just took a lot of time. Actually putting the purse together and attaching it to the frame was the hard part. I had to sew in a lining and then attach it to the frame. That was exasperating. But, it turned out pretty! Today is my first official day of vacation. I had to get my allergy shots this morning, then I went over to my LNS to buy a little something for a gift. I ended up buying gifts for myself too…I’m so bad.

I love Fox Forest. I have never seen another sampler with foxes in it, so I thought it was unusual too. I also had to have Birth of Jesus, because I’ve been watching Glenna’s gorgeous progress on this piece. Last night Eric got the lights on the tree, and the Polar Express train set up underneath. Tonight, we’ll put on the ornaments. I am excited. I worked on our stockings today. I got them both cut out and the lining and backing fabrics cut too. Unfortunately, I cut Eric’s first going by the outline on the chart, and then cut mine. They are two different sizes. Mine is a good inch to two inches bigger than his. Urgh. I hope it’s ok, because I can’t fix it now. The outline of the stockings in the chart have you setting your seam pretty close to the stitching, so oh well. Maybe it won’t be that noticeable once they’re hung up? I can hope. I also finished reading Labyrinth by Kate Mosse and it was really good. I’ve started Eragon just this morning. So far, so good!

I am grateful for going and working out even though I’m on vacation.

9 thoughts on “The Villa”

  1. I love the Snapperville- great work 🙂

    I can’t wait to read Labyrinth – I’ve had it on my bookcase since my birthday in april – but first i’m finishing re-reading Eragon and probably will head right into Eldest again!

  2. I like your Snapperville! I have that lined up to do.

    Eragon was good, Eldest the sequel was even better. I hope you like it 🙂

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