The past few weeks have been really crazy with all the storms/tornados/hail/high winds/flooding we’ve been having. Take a look at what last night’s adventures in weather brought. This tree was ripped up by the wind in our front yard. It is a pretty good size tree too. I will miss it. I could see the top of the branches from our bedroom window, and every morning for the past year it has been the first thing I look at when I wake up while I’m still in bed. Just a couple of months ago it was filled with white blossoms. Like so many trees around here, it looked like a big puffball for a few weeks. Ah well, it didn’t hit the house or our neighbor’s car…so the only damage was to the poor tree itself.

Last night I went back to participating in the Wednesday Quick Stitch SAL on the HAED BB. I stitched almost another 10 x 10 block on Water ACEO last night, but still have a few little spots to fill in. I stitched a little differently than I have been and didn’t go line by line like I normally would. The last time I stitched on this was back in March. Several people inquired then about how I am stitching this, and why I have all the loose threads hanging there. I am parking my threads, and for an excellent explanation of this – go to Nicki’s blog here. This is the first HAED I’ve stitched and I love it, but it is time consuming. I usually get a 10 x 10 block done each week on Wednesday. It is stitched 1 over 1 on 28ct.
Thanks for the compliments on Michelle’s RR, which is now in the mail to her, and on my Mystery Sampler. For those who asked, the Mystery Sampler is by Papillon Creations and was featured in the Gift of Stitching magazine – beginning with the first issue, I think? I will probably stitch some more on it tonight.
Hope you’re all having a wonderful week!
Walk to Rivendell: Still in the trees, they stop for lunch (ca. 2:00 p.m.). Their singing is cut by the cry of a Black Rider, and they leave (ca. 3:00 p.m.). (Total Miles Walked: 54)
I am grateful for getting my groove back.
So sad – that poor tree! But as you said, it could have fallen on a house or a car or worse!
Oh no! I HATE losing trees. It makes me want to cry. I’m glad that no damage was done, but sad for your loss. It was a beautiful tree, too. You should plant another one in its honor. 🙂
Oh, that is so sad to lose such a beautiful mature tree…but get another in a few years it will be big again 🙂
I am glad you weren’t hurt! I am too well aware of the damage a tornado can cause.
Awww poor tree! Will you replant? Your stitching is gorgeous!
So glad your weren’t hurt or had any damage from the tree.
I’m so glad you are safe and no damage was done. It’s sad about the tree though.
Your WIP is looking good.
That’s sad, losing a tree. But as you say, it sure beats actual property damage.
That’s sad, losing a tree. But as you say, it sure beats actual property damage.
Oh my gosh – look at that tree!! I am just glad nobody got hurt!
We here in Waco have had tons of rain too. But we haven’t had the wind. Plant another. GB
Your poor tree! I’m glad no one was hurt!