Thanks for the compliments on my new blog template – I love it. Jenna asked if she could see a closeup of the Queen of the Needle piece, so here are some photos of the finished piece (not mine – these photos are from Dietro L’Angolo’s blog).

Jenna also asked if the piece was still available. Sadly, I believe that they completely sold out of the piece (but it wouldn’t hurt to send them an email to ask!). This was a limited offer for a class done only at the Silver Needle. Rumor has it though that Nan will be designing other pieces as companion pieces, but they will be available more widely. I will let you know when I hear anything further.
I haven’t managed to get much stitching done this week, but I did decide to pick my Wedding Sampler back up and work on it a little. I am stitching Teresa Wentzler’s Wedding Sampler for my husband and I.

So, here’s a little progress on it.

And no, I did not stitch all of this last night. I stitched about two colors of green in the leaves. This is on my list of goals to get finished this year. I am glad I picked this back up again. It is such a change from the other things I have been stitching on. I hope to have a good chunk of time to stitch on Quaker Garden tonight. That wreath of leaves is killing me, it seems to be taking me forever!
I am grateful for perfect health.
Michelle, the wedding sampler looks great, I can’t wait to see more.
For everyone’s information, there may be a possibility that The Silver Needle may have like 8 more of Queen of the Needle, but you should either call or send them an email and ask them. I am really not sure but last time I looked they had 8. I started on mine and it is such a joy to stitch! I love the silk thread but the fabric is oh so pretty! Debby L.
Your wedding sampler is just beautiful! You so such pretty work!
Debby L.
The wedding sampler looks great! I stitched it last year (but with modifications) – all that green round the edge takes a while but looks so effective!
The wedding sampler looks great! Keep up the good work!
I think you’ll be able to finish it this year if you keep working on it every once in a while. I did see the latest Silver Needle newsletter about the companion pieces. Nan will be at their booth at CATS in Hershey, so I hope to get a preview of her new releases. 🙂 Thanks for the info!
Your wedding sampler is looking great! I stitched it last year for my best friend in about 8 weeks.
Its truly a stunning piece when its done!
The Wedding Sampler is looking so very nice! 😀
The wedding sampler is looking wonderful. That is such a beautiful design, but I imagine very challenging… it’ll be worth it in the end, though.