Wedding Sampler

Thanks for the compliments on my new blog template – I love it. Jenna asked if she could see a closeup of the Queen of the Needle piece, so here are some photos of the finished piece (not mine – these photos are from Dietro L’Angolo’s blog).

Jenna also asked if the piece was still available. Sadly, I believe that they completely sold out of the piece (but it wouldn’t hurt to send them an email to ask!). This was a limited offer for a class done only at the Silver Needle. Rumor has it though that Nan will be designing other pieces as companion pieces, but they will be available more widely. I will let you know when I hear anything further.

I haven’t managed to get much stitching done this week, but I did decide to pick my Wedding Sampler back up and work on it a little. I am stitching Teresa Wentzler’s Wedding Sampler for my husband and I.

So, here’s a little progress on it.

And no, I did not stitch all of this last night. I stitched about two colors of green in the leaves. This is on my list of goals to get finished this year. I am glad I picked this back up again. It is such a change from the other things I have been stitching on. I hope to have a good chunk of time to stitch on Quaker Garden tonight. That wreath of leaves is killing me, it seems to be taking me forever!

I am grateful for perfect health.

9 thoughts on “Wedding Sampler”

  1. For everyone’s information, there may be a possibility that The Silver Needle may have like 8 more of Queen of the Needle, but you should either call or send them an email and ask them. I am really not sure but last time I looked they had 8. I started on mine and it is such a joy to stitch! I love the silk thread but the fabric is oh so pretty! Debby L.

  2. The wedding sampler looks great! I stitched it last year (but with modifications) – all that green round the edge takes a while but looks so effective!

  3. I think you’ll be able to finish it this year if you keep working on it every once in a while. I did see the latest Silver Needle newsletter about the companion pieces. Nan will be at their booth at CATS in Hershey, so I hope to get a preview of her new releases. 🙂 Thanks for the info!

  4. Your wedding sampler is looking great! I stitched it last year for my best friend in about 8 weeks.

    Its truly a stunning piece when its done!

  5. The wedding sampler is looking wonderful. That is such a beautiful design, but I imagine very challenging… it’ll be worth it in the end, though.

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