Do you remember Weebles? You know, Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down… well, until I put pants and a shoe on him, this guy was mightily resembling a Weeble. He’s coming along, but I don’t think I am going to meet the goal I had set for myself this weekend, which was to finish him. I still have that shoe to finish, his face, hat, hand and pipe. But, I should be able to make a little more progress on him. I’ve packaged up Angi’s RR so that I can take it to the post office tomorrow to mail. I am excited to see what the next piece is I will be stitching on. I believe it is another band sampler.

Eric came home with these lovely roses for me today. He sure does spoil me. These are called Freedom, and they are smaller, and tighter than the previous ones I’ve had. Very pretty. I had my book club on Friday night. I miraculously did finish my book before I headed over there. The book this time was Naghib Mafouz’s Thebes at War. It was really good. This is the second book we’ve read by Mafouz, the first one was Akhenaten: Dweller in Truth. I made a stop also at my LNS yesterday and stocked up on thread I needed. I didn’t get everything, so I will probably be placing another order with Silver Needle tomorrow (I recently ordered the charms for the stocking from them). I needed threads for my next two sheep blankets, my partridge ornament, and I am also collecting threads for Pearl Lights (Chatelaine) and the Erica Michaels alphabet freebies available at Rainbow Gallery. So, I did some damage with the thread purchase! I intended to also use my $15 off coupon to get Mirabilia’s Halloween Fairy, but they didn’t have her (nor did they have either of the two new designs – Valentine Fairy or South Seas Mermaid). So, I’ve ordered the Halloween Fairy so that I can put that coupon to good use. Sorry, no photo of the beautiful threads. I got so busy sorting them and putting them away that I completely forgot. And last night we watched the second half of Gone With the Wind, so that is another one to cross off the list. GWTW, was of course awesome. Makes me want to read the book Scarlett. Has anyone read that? I bought it when it first came out, but it has just been sitting on the shelf since then. Hope you all had a great weekend, I am off to stitch some more on the stocking. And thanks again for all the well wishes, I am feeling a lot less stressed/emotional, etc.
I am grateful for knowing how wonderful I truly am.
I read “Scarlett” years ago when it first came out and whether or not you “should” read it depends largely on how much of a “pure” GWTW fan you are. If you are a purist it isn’t worth your time. If you aren’t, you might like it. 🙂
LOL. I can definitely see how he would have looked like a Weeble Wobble for a while! 🙂 Congrats on your stash additions. I loved GWTW, as well, both in book and movie form. Have a great week!
lol Michelle, I remember Weeble Wobbles too! Your SB pudgie is looking great though, and what beautiful roses from your DH. take care
Beautiful roses – what a loving husband you have. Treasure him.