Weekend Update

I am making a little progress on Harry’s (Eric’s) Stocking. The bigger needle is making it go so much faster. Thank you, Sherri, for the suggestion!! I have not had a whole lot of time to stitch lately, and I haven’t really been pushing myself either. I came pretty close to burnout with those two exchanges and the Round Robin start so close together. I am rolling around in my head what to do with Angi’s RR, and I think I have a good idea what I want. My mail out date is November 13th, so I think I should have plenty of time. I am hoping to get an actual stitching start on it this week. I just need to chart out a couple of things to make sure they will work. Speaking of mailings…I am getting really concerned about my Halloween Exchange that I sent out. It was just going from Texas to the Northeast, so I am not sure why it hasn’t gotten there yet. Ack! I hope it arrives soon!! I mailed it last Monday, so tomorrow will be a week. I mail stuff to my friend in Rhode Island all the time, and it never takes this long.

Yesterday, Eric and I went to the State Fair and had a great time. I haven’t been to the fair since I was in grade school. They had a Marilyn Monroe exhibit going on which was cool. They had several of her original costumes and dresses on display as well as photographs, etc. Very nice. And the lifesize butter sculpture this year was of her famous “Seven Year Itch” pose. (Hee hee hee, that sounds so crazy…a lifesize butter sculpture of Marilyn. Well, hope you’ve all had a fabulous weekend!

I am grateful for funnel cakes (I had one for the first time)!

5 thoughts on “Weekend Update”

  1. Wow! The Texas State Fair is in October, huh? Where is the fair held?

    Hope your exchange piece finds its way to the Northeast soon…

  2. Your stocking is looking good. A butter sculpture of Marilyn Munroe? First time I’ve ever heard of such a thing lol. I’m glad you had a fun time at the fair.

  3. Hi! I’m new to your blog, and I just gone done reading the entire thing! You are a very talented stitcher! I love your monthly sheep, and blankets! You are doing a great job with the stocking!
    Happy stitching!

  4. Don’t worry the USPS is iffy at best most of the time.

    I too am thankful for funnel cakes…those yeasty, fried, smothered in powdered sugar confections just make my lips smack! YUM-O!
    P.S. Great start on the stocking….I got carried away about the funnel cakes….

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