I am tired and frustrated, and frankly a little fed up. As I may have mentioned here previously, I am losing weight and working on creating a healthier me. This includes changing what I eat, working out five times a week, taking vitamins, and generally trying to take care of myself. I have an ultimate vision of what I am working towards, what it would look like to be a healthy me. That vision does coincide with a number on the scale, but not a number that I am married to. That number may not be a healthy best weight for me, but I won’t know until I get closer to it. Mostly though, my vision of health consists of activities and a lifestyle that I want to embrace. This transformation is not an easy one, and it is a very emotional one at times. Because of that, I do not typically discuss my weight loss/process with anyone. I do occasionally share my triumphs, which helps to keep me motivated. I know that a lot of the women around me have a very poor self image, and tend to discuss weight, etc. with great abandon. Often these discussions revolve around ways to lose weight that are not what I would consider healthy. This frustrates me to no end. I think maybe because it is because 1) I don’t want to participate in conversations about weight normally and 2) it ticks me off to no end that I am working so hard to lose weight in a healthy manner, and someone is talking to me about not eating in order to lose weight. Ugh. I am very proud of myself. I have lost 20 pounds and still counting. I walk, I lift weights, I do yoga – regularly. I take vitamins regularly. I am doing what I need to do to be healthy and fit. I am fed up with feeling like I have to hide my success, that I have to be small about it, that I have to listen to others thinking that they can lose weight by not eating and call it healthy. Why do I have to be belittled for sticking to it, for keeping up with my workouts, for wanting to be a better me? I am just fed up with it. So, I think I will take myself off to my Tuesday class and let it go. Deep breaths.
In stitching news…here is where Mystery 9 was left on Sunday evening at the end of my rotation. I’ve started on Part 6.

Here is where Lemon Meringue Sampler was left last night.

Not a ton of progress on either, but some. And someone asked about my quilt blocks that I’ve posted recently and where they come from. My blocks of the month, the batiks, are from my local quilt store, Quilt Country. I go in once a month and pick one up – the pattern and the fabrics to make it. The cat quilt is by MH Designs and is called Cat Nap (MH640), and is a paper piecing pattern I picked up at the Dallas Quilt Show a few years ago. There’s an address for the company on the pattern, if you’re interested leave me a comment with your email and I’ll get it to you.
Walk to Rivendell: Stop in a birch grove. Eat a frugal supper (Total miles: 12)
I am grateful for what I’ve accomplished.
Fantastic progress on both pieces! They looks wonderful.
I am so with you on fad/starvation diets. They are so horrible for you. Keep up the good work getting healthier the old fashioned way:)
I guess they do what they do because they can’t do anything else.
Your stitching is looking lovely, as always.
Wow!!! Twenty pounds, that’s so awesome!! You are doing the right thing! Trust me, I know just how hard it is to get motivated to lose weight the right way. I’m trying to find the motivation myself – after three kids, I definitely would like to lose some baby weight. You are an inspiration to me! 🙂
P.S. nice stitching too! 🙂
I hear you loud and clear! I am very big on nutrition, and I get so tired of people trying to get me to stray from my diet and “cheat”!! That’s a whole other issue!! Your WIPs look great, and I am so proud of your weight loss!
Hang in there Michelle – I’m trying to lose weight too, but I’m taking it slowly – not eating less, just making better choices.
Still love that Lemon Meringue!!
Congratulations!!! You deserve to be proud of losing your weight the right way!!!! Love the WIP’s!!!!
A huge congrats for the progress you have made so far! Your health lifestyle (and weight loss) are fantastic. And your stitching is looking great.
I understand a little of where you’re coming from, but from the other end – I have nutrition issues and I’m quite slight and have to endure lots of concerned comments about my weight (or lack thereof), which I resent. Anyway, I won’t say more about that because I’ll just take over your comments LOL but I just wanted to say good on you for losing 20 pounds already, that’s a great achievment and also good on you for doing it sensibly and healthily. {{hugs}}
Congratulations! I’m trying to lose weight too, but I’m taking it slowly…
I’m also trying to lose weight and exercise healthfully! I feel better for doing it, and I figure, let other people do what they want–I’ve tried those things (some of them) and they don’t work for me. It’s like stitching, I figure: Just pick it up regularly, and the stitches will accrue, bit by bit (and the weight will come off and the muscles will tone). Loving the lemon meringue sampler!
Don’t let those diet faddies get to you Michelle! In the long run, you will be much better off – thinner and healthier. I’m trying to get back to a healthier routine myself starting with going to the health club six days a week and eating smaller portions. 🙂
Everytime I read your blog I’m inspired by your positive attitude and you persistence in all that you do. I have weight issues and am one of those people that have had them my entire life. I was using you as an example to my husband just the other night that I want to be like you, to be positive and have goals and try to attain them the right way. The older I get, I’ve come to realize…who cares what others think…most of them won’t be around you in 10 years. You have to be happy with you – rest is all fluff. Keep up the continued good work! You are an inspiration to me 🙂
Michelle- I commend you on losing weight the way that you are. By losing weight in a healthy manner like you’re doing the weight will likely stay off. People who do quick fads & diets usually put the weight right back on. I don’t know how long you’ve been losing weight but it takes 6 weeks to develop a habit. If you’ve been into this longer than that then hopefully you’ve started a lifelong healthier lifestyle.
Oh BTW your stitching is lovely 🙂
{{{hugs}}} Michelle. You know you’re right. It might be faster to lose weight on a fad diet or by not eating, but the weight will go right back on again! 20 pounds is great – well done!
Hi Michelle,
Mystery 9 looks great!
You just keep on keeping on with the weight loss and excersice. The healthy way is the only way that has long term results. I lost 20 lbs about a year and a half ago the healthy way, eating better and excersising nearly every day. Even now that I no longer have the time to exercise like I did then, the weight has stayed gone – that wouldn’t be true if I had lost it using some fad diet.
Good luck to you – I’m rooting for your success. 🙂