Welcome Summer & Number 101

It is the first day of Summer here today and it is raining. Thank you all so much for your kind words and advice regarding my knitting. The frustration will pass, but I will definitely do what I can to make the owner aware of the issue. I have to say though, I am pretty proud of my cables.

This morning I finished up the first trifold piece of my Queen of the Needle case. This is the part that folds over on the front. I only have a few beads to attach on here, but those will wait until the end, so that I don’t snag them. I love all the colors in this piece and the fun specialty stitches that Nan has included. Next I will be stitching the part that will be the back of the case, so it will be upside down from this piece.

I didn’t stitch at all last night when I got home because I wanted to finish reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. It was so good re-reading it. I think the first time I read books five and six there were so many people around me also reading them, that I raced through in order not to have them spoiled by other people’s reactions and comments. So, I think I missed a lot the first time round. This time I so thoroughly enjoyed them and was able to really savor them. I am glad I decided to read the whole series again before the release of book 7. It’s been fun. And with that I have completed number 101 of my 101 Things in 1001 Days list “Re-read books 1-6 of Harry Potter before Book 7 is released.” At the time I started my 101 Things list (coincidentally on June 21, 2006), there was no official release date for book 7.

That’s all for today – hope you all are having a great Thursday!

I am grateful for Harry Potter.

26 thoughts on “Welcome Summer & Number 101”

  1. Love the progress you’ve made. I’d be frustrated too by taking a class where there wasn’t much instruction – good for you for speaking up.

  2. Love the progress you’ve made. I’d be frustrated too by taking a class where there wasn’t much instruction – good for you for speaking up.

  3. That is beautiful Michelle! I love the fabric that your doing it on! Gorgeous!!
    I gave up trying to get the HP books done before the release. So my daughter (reading) and I (re-reading) them and are discussing them daily. I’m finding I’m remembering more and getting more out of them the second time around 🙂

  4. That is beautiful Michelle! I love the fabric that your doing it on! Gorgeous!!
    I gave up trying to get the HP books done before the release. So my daughter (reading) and I (re-reading) them and are discussing them daily. I’m finding I’m remembering more and getting more out of them the second time around 🙂

  5. U have been re-reading them, too… haven’t started 6 yet because I want to wait until just a wee bit closer so I’m hyped up enough to stay awake until midnight when I get #7 LOL!

    btw, the type color on your blog blends in with the background on my monitor… had to highlight it to read it 🙂

    Your JN is turning out so pretty!

  6. U have been re-reading them, too… haven’t started 6 yet because I want to wait until just a wee bit closer so I’m hyped up enough to stay awake until midnight when I get #7 LOL!

    btw, the type color on your blog blends in with the background on my monitor… had to highlight it to read it 🙂

    Your JN is turning out so pretty!

  7. The Silver Thistle

    Wow! You’ve been so busy! There’s so much to see. I’m loving the Queen of the Needle sampler case! I finally got one too and have it here, waiting to be started. I was going to wait until I cleared the decks a bit first, but seeing yours has made me itchy to start it now, lol

    I’m going to do a re-read of all the HP books too, before I start the new one (IN JULY!!!!!! Hee! Can’t wait!) but am half way through my re-read of my Diana
    Gabaldon’s at the moment.

  8. The Silver Thistle

    Wow! You’ve been so busy! There’s so much to see. I’m loving the Queen of the Needle sampler case! I finally got one too and have it here, waiting to be started. I was going to wait until I cleared the decks a bit first, but seeing yours has made me itchy to start it now, lol

    I’m going to do a re-read of all the HP books too, before I start the new one (IN JULY!!!!!! Hee! Can’t wait!) but am half way through my re-read of my Diana
    Gabaldon’s at the moment.

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