What I Did on My Birthday Vacation

Peacock Pinkeep Finished 082309
Peacock Pinkeep (Loose Feathers #35)
Blackbird Designs
Belle Soie on 28ct Gingham linen by Weeks
Stitching Finished 5/30/09
Finishing Finished 8/23/09

Over my birthday weekend, I decided I wanted to use my four days to finish up some things that needed a bit of uninterrupted time to work on. My first goal was to put together my Peacock Pinkeep. The piece actually took me a lot longer to put together than I anticipated (this is always the case with me…I have no ability to judge how long something will take). Anyway, it wasn’t as difficult to put together as I had imagined, just a little fiddly. Actually, what took me the longest time was dying the chenille trim. It was a bit trial and error to get it the color I wanted. And since I didn’t think ahead to dye it while I was putting the piece together, but instead waited until I needed it to dye it, it took more time than it should have. But, I am really happy with how it turned out.

Peacock Pinkeep Side Finished

And I am still very happy with my choice to stitch this with two strands of Belle Soie rather than the one strand the pattern called for. I love how deep and rich the color is.

I did have a great birthday, thanks to Eric and my wonderful friends. I also had a couple other finishes over the weekend that I need to share with you. Another finishing finish, and a stitching finish. I was on a roll. And I got to enjoy myself with a stitching night, a movie night, couch time with Twilight on, etc. So fun!

I am grateful for feeling special.

46 thoughts on “What I Did on My Birthday Vacation”

  1. Sounds like the perfect birthday weekend to me! Your Peacock Pinkeep is gorgeous. I’ll look forward to seeing what else you have to share.

  2. Sounds like the perfect birthday weekend to me! Your Peacock Pinkeep is gorgeous. I’ll look forward to seeing what else you have to share.

  3. mainely stitching

    Oh my goodness, that’s STUNNING! The trim is just amazing. Great job!!

    I’m glad you had a special birthday. We need those!

  4. mainely stitching

    Oh my goodness, that’s STUNNING! The trim is just amazing. Great job!!

    I’m glad you had a special birthday. We need those!

  5. Dang, girl!! You rock! I love it. It is fabulous. I can’t wait to see what else you finished! Couch time with Twilight… be still my beating heart.

  6. Dang, girl!! You rock! I love it. It is fabulous. I can’t wait to see what else you finished! Couch time with Twilight… be still my beating heart.

  7. Michelle,

    Wow, is that great or what!!! I hope you plan to bring it to the next guild meeting! And how about a preview this next Thursday? Hopefully see you soon.


  8. Michelle,

    Wow, is that great or what!!! I hope you plan to bring it to the next guild meeting! And how about a preview this next Thursday? Hopefully see you soon.


  9. Michelle, I missed your birthday, but I have my life back now! I hope your day was everything your heart desired!

    Your peacock pinkeep is beautiful. Those colors are gorgeous.

  10. Michelle, I missed your birthday, but I have my life back now! I hope your day was everything your heart desired!

    Your peacock pinkeep is beautiful. Those colors are gorgeous.

  11. Your peacock finish is exquisite!!! I have to agree with you on the 2-strand look as well … much richer colours, love love love it! 😀

  12. Your peacock finish is exquisite!!! I have to agree with you on the 2-strand look as well … much richer colours, love love love it! 😀

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