I am definitely feeling like jumping ship on this piece. I am so frustrated with it. So, a quick recap… I started stitching the top sail with Heirloom Blue, which, it turns out is the exact color of my fabric. So, then I ripped that out. I raided my stash (which isn’t saying much) and found Silver Queen, stitched about half the sail. Realized it didn’t show up much better than the other because it was too light. Went to the LNS, raided their selection of SNC (which isn’t saying much) and came home with two options – Wood Smoke and Sea Heather. So, it’s a Bay Sampler, it’s all nautical and stuff, I now have a cool green seahorse to keep the sailors company. So, which of these two colors did I choose – Wood Smoke. No, not the Sea Heather, no keep your gasps of astonishment to yourself. I thought, well there might be too much blue here already. So, I spent all weekend (after finishing Quaker Garden) stitching along happily on my sail. Now, I don’t know if I like it. I think it looks like a big brown blob in the center of my piece. And laying there like limp seaweed on the fabric is the Sea Heather. Should I rip out yet another failed attempt at a top sail, and stitch it with the Sea Heather, or leave well enough alone? The Wood Smoke is pretty – browns, lavenders, and a slight greenish grey. After that, I decided I was so frustrated with the Bay that I thought I would get started on part 5 of Mystery 9. So, here’s a little tidbit of that.

I am thisclose to crossing something else off my 101 list. I needed to call and get something corrected on my credit report, so I did that – and now I just need to wait and check the credit report to be able to cross that one off too! I am so pleased. We watched the next film on the Academy Award list. We had to skip Cavalcade, because Netflix doesn’t have it. So that makes two I am missing. Once I get to the end, I’ll figure out what to do with the missing ones. We watched It Happened One Night with Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert. Haveta say that Clark Gable was somethin’. I just love him. We’re still in the black and whites, and this film was about an heiress who is running off to NY to meet and marry an aeronaut. She meets Clark on the bus to NY from Miami and he is a newspaper reporter just fired from his job who thinks her story will get him back in the door. Strangely enough this movie has a similar plotline to Forces of Nature – in that, two people forced together by circumstance, initially can’t stand each other, and then well…emotions overcome them. This has a lot of great scenes in it, and it is funny and enjoyable. (Come to think of it, at the beginning she jumps ship…hmmm). So far the only one we couldn’t stand has been Broadway Melody. Next up is Mutiny on the Bounty. I’ll let you know. Oh, and I spent ALL DAY yesterday baking a Cassata cake for my dear husband. This is a favorite of his, although I have never made it before. It’s an Italian spongecake soaked in rum and with a layer of ricotta and chocolate chips in between. I’ll let you know how it comes out. I’ve just iced it and it is setting.
I am grateful for the ability to laugh at myself.
Oh goodness, that cake sounds good. If it turns out okay, please publish the recipe for us? I thought my DH might like it, as well.
I can’t tell you what to do about the sail. To be honest with you, not realizing what the design was supposed to look like, I had to really read your post to figured out what you were talking about. I think it looks fine, but really your are the one who has to be happy with it. Perhaps you should put it away for a couple of days and then look at it with fresh eyes?
Hi Michelle – I think Jenna offers some good advice here. See what you think after a few days. If you’re not happy with it, change it. Personally, I think it looks okay but your opinion is the one that counts!
Mmmmmm – that cake sounds delicious.
I too am in agreement with Jenna. Let it go for a few days then pick it up and if the color still bothers you, then take it out. The Sea Heather is pretty. The piece does look lovely though.
I hate to say this, but I think it would look better with Sea Heather. It’s a beautiful design!
Michelle – I think the Wood Smoke looks great…and it goes well w/ the wooden body of the boat. Jenna’s right – don’t look at it for a few days and then see what you think. If it makes you think ACK everytime you look at it – I guess it would be worth the undo efforts.
I much prefer “Woman Overboard” to the real name of this piece, whatever it is. I’m doing it also–although I think you’re a little ahead of me on it. I think you’re clever to choose a new color for the sails–I went with the recommended color and am not thrilled with mine. I’ve neglected mine–I’ll blog about it tomorrow if I can get a decent shot of it tonight. I think your site was the first place I saw Lemon Meringue Pie–I’ll have to pick it up–so cheerful!
Hi Michelle:
Thank you for your nice comment to my blog. I am still working on the needlecase and also have had to back out a few stitches. I need to finish some more flowers on the part with the bluebirds and hopefully get it up on here later today. How frustrating to have to take stitches out. Your Nautical sampler is pretty though. I would agree to put it away and then take it out and look again. It has to be pleasing to you so if not, take out what you don’t like. That isn’t a fun thing to have to do, but we all do it at times. Your mystery sampler is really pretty too!
I agree that waiting a few days is a good idea, however, first impressions…you know. What about frogging the smaller blue sail and doing that one in wood smoke to match the top? I realy love the wood smoke color and it matches the boat better. 😀 Ann.
I like the woodsmoke – goes with the cat on the bow (or is that the stern?? And maybe changing out the bottom sail would do the trick. But it goes well with the other blues….. Good luck! It’s a great piece so far.