Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Hullo, everyone. I did the last little bit of stitching on Cathy‘s RR and now it is ready to be sent out. Cathy asked that we stitch something reminiscent of where we live. I chose to stitch the house from LHN’s Emmaline Whitcomb (Dear Diary series) because it had that sort of Southwestern feel to it. I also stitched a patch of bluebonnets next to the house, since it is the state flower.

I love how they turned out! I only added the suggestion of a few clouds in the sky, because there is so much sky here in Texas, no mountains or tall trees, just lots and lots of open sky. Oh, and I just LOVE the fabric Cathy chose, 32 ct Vintage Light Examplar from Lakeside Linens – just wonderful to stitch on. I will definitely be purchasing some of this in the future for myself!

I think the bluebonnets pick up the blue from Carol’s flag too, which is nice! I hope you like it, Cathy!

Also, on the neighborhood front, Carol has finished stitching her part for my RR. She chose to stitch part of Prairie Schooler’s Pumpkin Patch. Carol checked in with me while she was stitching to see if I minded having multiple moons in my neighborhood, since Judith had already stitched one. I told her I was ok with a funky, multi-moon neighborhood. So, she obliged! I love this block!

And the whole piece is really turning out great! Thank you so much, Carol! And if you’re in the mood for something else a little spooky, take a look at this.

That’s about it for me today…I hope to get in a little stitching this evening. Not sure what I’ll work on yet though. But, I have a little idea

I am grateful for a lovely day out at the races.

40 thoughts on “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?”

  1. Hi Michelle,

    Love the Bluebonnets!! They
    fairly pop out of the design.
    Gorgeous colours!! Your
    square for this RR of Cathy’s
    is lovely. I’m sure she’ll be
    delighted with it.

    And your Spooky RR Neighbourhood
    is looking fantastic. Carol did
    a wonderful job in choosing and
    stitching her square. Love the
    owl in the tree. And her moon
    is cool!

    How are things going for you
    with your busy schedule? Hope
    you’re not wearing yourself out
    too much Michelle.

    Take care.

  2. Hi Michelle,

    Love the Bluebonnets!! They
    fairly pop out of the design.
    Gorgeous colours!! Your
    square for this RR of Cathy’s
    is lovely. I’m sure she’ll be
    delighted with it.

    And your Spooky RR Neighbourhood
    is looking fantastic. Carol did
    a wonderful job in choosing and
    stitching her square. Love the
    owl in the tree. And her moon
    is cool!

    How are things going for you
    with your busy schedule? Hope
    you’re not wearing yourself out
    too much Michelle.

    Take care.

  3. Hey Michelle – I love your addition to my neighborhood! So glad you decided to add the bluebonnets! Your block looks perfect!

  4. Hey Michelle – I love your addition to my neighborhood! So glad you decided to add the bluebonnets! Your block looks perfect!

  5. Cathy’s neighbourhood looks wonderful! I really like the idea of having houses that reflect where the stitchers live 🙂 The bluebonnets you added are the perfect touch!

  6. Cathy’s neighbourhood looks wonderful! I really like the idea of having houses that reflect where the stitchers live 🙂 The bluebonnets you added are the perfect touch!

  7. Am I finally becoming a Texan? As soon as I saw your block I thought “how cute! bluebonnets”. You’ve all done a great job on Cathy’s RR.

    I’m getting a Winter/Christmas neighborhood going and even though it’s the wrong holiday your Halloween RR has been an inspiration.

  8. Am I finally becoming a Texan? As soon as I saw your block I thought “how cute! bluebonnets”. You’ve all done a great job on Cathy’s RR.

    I’m getting a Winter/Christmas neighborhood going and even though it’s the wrong holiday your Halloween RR has been an inspiration.

  9. Oh the bluebonnets are so special. It certainly makes it Texas style.
    Very nice job on Cathy’s RR. Your additon to Carol’s Halloween is wonderful too.

  10. Oh the bluebonnets are so special. It certainly makes it Texas style.
    Very nice job on Cathy’s RR. Your additon to Carol’s Halloween is wonderful too.

  11. Ruth Rachel Vendsel

    Aww, I miss Texas and that big blue sky. 🙂 And huge fields of bluebonnets. You’ve done a lovely job, Michelle! Very nice choices.

  12. Ruth Rachel Vendsel

    Aww, I miss Texas and that big blue sky. 🙂 And huge fields of bluebonnets. You’ve done a lovely job, Michelle! Very nice choices.

  13. Michelle! I love the house you stitched! But no, its too hot in Texas, so I can’t be your neighbor! 🙂 Your RR is looking great! I’m looking forward to seeing it finished with all your added stitching!

  14. Michelle! I love the house you stitched! But no, its too hot in Texas, so I can’t be your neighbor! 🙂 Your RR is looking great! I’m looking forward to seeing it finished with all your added stitching!

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