Zebra Beagle Don’t Care

Ever have one of those pieces where you’re stitching along and you start to wonder about what you’re stitching, not in a “why am I torturing myself by stitching this entire reproduction sampler on 45ct over one?” kind of way, but a “what the heck is that thing?” kind of wondering? I mean, is it a cat, a wolf, a dog, an armadillo? Well, there’s still no official word from Paulette on what exactly is this thing hanging out with Poe’s Raven on its back. So, in the meantime, I went to the ultimate resource on all things, my Wikipedia (Eric). And according to the Mr., this is in fact, the little known zebra beagle.

…blank stare…

Um…ok. I guess I can see it. I can imagine the narrated nature video now. “The zebra beagle is one of the fiercest creatures in the Garden of Eerie. It’s so badass that it walks around with a raven on its back.”

Bride of Frank isn’t even worried about that snake sticking its tongue out at her, she’s offering up an apple to the zebra beagle. Do you think zebra beagles eat apples? Mmm…tasty!

“Hey, watch out!”, says that bird. “That is some crazy lightning coming right at my head.” But, zebra beagle don’t care. He is all about that apple.

And, as for me? I’m ecstatic to finally finish my Garden of Eerie by Plum Street Samplers. Started in September of last year on 36ct. Meadow Rue with DMC. I stitched on it last year until Halloween was over and then put it away. So, this year I pulled it back out on October 1st and thought it would be the perfect thing to work on for Halloween this year. I love it. I’m so happy to finally have it done. It is going to look perfect framed and hanging with my Jenny Bean Halloween, don’t you think?

I had to do some creative charting on my name and the year in order to make it fit. But I’m happy with Wikipedia’s Eric’s suggestion to put the year sideways over one. This was such a fun piece to stitch, especially with my little zebra beagle to keep me company…because zebra beagles are awesome.

I am grateful for a great stitching day with friends (and zebra beagle).

48 thoughts on “Zebra Beagle Don’t Care”

  1. And as everyone knows, the Zebra Beagle’s only true enemy in the wild is the mysterious and majestic RhinoPoodle. Congrats on your finish! I’m jealous!

  2. And as everyone knows, the Zebra Beagle’s only true enemy in the wild is the mysterious and majestic RhinoPoodle. Congrats on your finish! I’m jealous!

  3. Congrats on your finish Michelle… it looks fabulous. Emma and Owen love apple… so I’m sure the zebra beagle was tempted by the apple too!

  4. Congrats on your finish Michelle… it looks fabulous. Emma and Owen love apple… so I’m sure the zebra beagle was tempted by the apple too!

  5. I’m not sure which I like more, the zebra beagle or the buzzard. Maybe the buzzard is eyeing the zebra beagle as dinner. This is a design that’s really growing on me, now I’ve seen it stitched. I have a feeling it will make itself into the to-do pile for next year.

  6. I’m not sure which I like more, the zebra beagle or the buzzard. Maybe the buzzard is eyeing the zebra beagle as dinner. This is a design that’s really growing on me, now I’ve seen it stitched. I have a feeling it will make itself into the to-do pile for next year.

  7. Great post, Michelle!! Loved it – Zebra Beagle – so funny!!

    GoE looks fabulous, and yes, it would look great with Jenny Bean. The faming pile is growing!!

  8. Great post, Michelle!! Loved it – Zebra Beagle – so funny!!

    GoE looks fabulous, and yes, it would look great with Jenny Bean. The faming pile is growing!!

  9. Thank you for the wonderfully hilarious post, Michelle! Nearly sprayed my coffee all over the screen! Love your Garden of Eerie ~ it’s beautiful and so unique! And that Zebra Beagle is one awesome fellow with his Raven partner in prowl ~ I am most definitely going to have to add this one to my stash. Thanks for the smiles and the inspiration! Happy Halloween… Blessings always in stitches…

  10. Thank you for the wonderfully hilarious post, Michelle! Nearly sprayed my coffee all over the screen! Love your Garden of Eerie ~ it’s beautiful and so unique! And that Zebra Beagle is one awesome fellow with his Raven partner in prowl ~ I am most definitely going to have to add this one to my stash. Thanks for the smiles and the inspiration! Happy Halloween… Blessings always in stitches…

  11. WahOOOOOOOOOOO!! Congratulations on the finish! I love it–fantastic creativity on putting the date over one, sideways. Great idea. Zebra beagle… okay…

  12. WahOOOOOOOOOOO!! Congratulations on the finish! I love it–fantastic creativity on putting the date over one, sideways. Great idea. Zebra beagle… okay…

  13. You’re too funny, Michelle. Congrats on your finish! And I just LOVE WE’s idea for the sideways over-one date. I’m going to use that one … somewhere, sometime … I’m going to use that! Love it!

  14. You’re too funny, Michelle. Congrats on your finish! And I just LOVE WE’s idea for the sideways over-one date. I’m going to use that one … somewhere, sometime … I’m going to use that! Love it!

  15. ohhh its wonderful and thank you for the update on the zebra beagle ..he looks cute at any rate ..lol … can’t wait to see it framed up next to Jenny Beans one 🙂 love mouse xxxx

  16. ohhh its wonderful and thank you for the update on the zebra beagle ..he looks cute at any rate ..lol … can’t wait to see it framed up next to Jenny Beans one 🙂 love mouse xxxx

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