Can I use a mobile device to download the file?

It is recommended that you download the file on a computer (desktop or laptop) rather than a mobile device. Downloaded files on a mobile device can disappear into the ether.

How many times can I download the file?

Once. If you are having issues with the download, please contact me.

I get an error when I try to log in to my user account.

Accounts are not created automatically, so if you haven’t created a user account you won’t have one. If you did create an account, your user name is your email address and is case sensitive. Forgotten passwords can be reset using the lost password button.

I clicked the link to download the file but I can’t find it.

On a computer, check your downloads folder.
In Firefox, click the three stacked lines and then click on Downloads or use Ctrl + J.
In Chrome, click the triple dots and then click on Downloads or use Ctrl + J.
In Microsoft Edge, click the three horizontal dots and then click on Downloads or use Ctrl + J.
If you’re using Safari on a Mac, open Finder and click Downloads from the sidebar or press Cmd + Option + L.
If you’re using a mobile device, check the Files app on an iPhone, iPad, or Android.