Episode 110 – The Underworld

Thank you so much for tuning in to the Cozyegg flosstube/podcast! In this episode I share an almost finish and the beginning of #darkoctoberstitching. Music by: BenSound

Behind me is my Nightshade quilt top – pattern and fabric by Tula Pink. I love it so much and I’m glad I got it out and can enjoy it this spooky season (even if it isn’t quilted).


Sarah Ann Banton 1833 by Cozyegg Designs – AVAS Soie d’Alger on 40ct Weeks Putty. Back on track and just have the bottom border and the grass left. I’m saving the snake for last.

Black Cat Hollow by Barbara Ana Designs – DMC on 32ct PTP Murky. Basically finished half of the top section. I went back and forth on the grass color because I wanted a variegated, but in the end I stuck with it as charted and I’m happy with it.

Moon Phases by The Little Stitcher – Weeks, GAST, DMC on 32ct Midnight Tryst by Hand Dyed Fabrics by Stephanie – converted the skin and hair colors for the outer two ladies. All finished except for the metallic accents and the beads (that I had to order).

Hallow Wee House by Chessie & Me on my Halloween Neighborhood – stitching with my own conversions to DMC, NN, CC, GAST, & Weeks and some minor modifications to the original design. The Halloween Neighborhood is made up of various charts with a mix of threads on 35ct Brandy by CountryStitch. Nothing much to see except grass so far.


Dracula Book Cover by Dam Good Crafts – DMC on 40ct Red Gander linen

The Raven (Spirits of the Woods) by Primitive Hare – DMC and GAST on 30ct Boleyn linen from Primitive Hare (Potential new start for Dark October Séance.)

Dark October Séance on October 29th. Really looking forward to it and I’ve been designing a couple of pieces for the attendees.


Current Read: Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman

Next: Tangled Webs by Anne Bishop


Bealtaine Cottage on YouTube is a wonderful new discovery thanks to my friend, Robin. I absolutely love the videos and the most recent one (above) was so timely with some of what I’ve been feeling lately. I hope you enjoy!

Happy Dark October Stitching!