Thank you so much for tuning in to the Cozyegg flosstube/podcast! In this episode I share a BIG finish, two more finishes, and the end of #darkoctoberstitching. Music by: BenSound
Oh, and if you want a better look at the quilt behind me, you can see it on this post.

Halloween Neighborhood – various charts with a mix of threads on 35ct Brandy by CountryStitch – new house is from Hallow Wee House by Chessie & Me. I used Weeks Onyx, CC Queen Bee, GAST Fragrant Cloves, NN Grecian Olive & Mocha Fudge, and DMC 640 & 644.

Moon Phases by The Little Stitcher – Weeks, GAST, DMC on 32ct Midnight Tryst by Hand Dyed Fabrics by Stephanie. This is the New Moon version. I changed skin and hair color on two of the ladies (the outer two) and did my own conversion to overdyed cottons. I used GAST Picket Fence and Weeks Mascara for the main colors. I used the called for DMC 3774 for the skin color for the center figure. On the outer two, I used DMC 3862 and 841 for their skin and 645 and 3023 for their hair after referencing Lord Libidan’s skin color chart for suggestions. I also used Rainbow Gallery Petite Treasure Braid PB04 for the metallic. The beads I used were Mill Hill #00479 & #02014. This was an informal Solar Eclipse start with Carissa back in August of 2017.

For the Dark October Séance gathering that Emily and I hosted, I designed two exclusive charts for the participants. I couldn’t decide between them, so I did both. I’m pleased with how they turned out and can’t wait to stitch them.

Sarah Ann Banton by Cozyegg Designs – AVAS Soie d’Alger on 40ct Weeks Putty. I put the last stitches in on November 10th and I am so pleased with her!

A Single Friend by Nicola Parkman of Hands Across the Sea. Stitched on 40ct HDF linen with my own selection of threads. The chart has a color key but no suggested threads. Threads used were OWS Mulberry and English Quaker Rose, CC Secondhand Rose, English Ivy, Poblano Pepper, Country Lane, and Tiny Vine; GAST Straw Bonnet and Witch’s Wart; NN British Green; and AVAS 165 for the black. I stitched this as a gift for a friend’s birthday and finished it into a pin pillow stuffed with walnut shells and added a little pin with old buttons and green glass beads.
I also stitched another piece for an exchange that I can’t show yet. Next time.

For the Dark October Séance, I decided a new start was in order. I started The Raven by Primitive Hare. I’m stitching it on the called for 30ct Boleyn linen (also from The Primitive Hare) with the called for threads (mostly DMC, two GAST).

Once I finished Sarah and the two gifts, I celebrated by bringing out Hannah Tingey who I’d been dreaming about. This is a sampler by The Scarlett House that I started last Thanksgiving with Christy from Crosshatch Quilts and Christine from Hollis Hands Create. I am using the called for NPI silks on the called for 40ct Lakeside Buttercream.

I finished reading Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman. It was good and I enjoyed it. But I think I like the movie better.

Then I continued on with my #darkoctoberreading by picking up Tangled Webs by Anne Bishop. This was the next book in the Dark Jewels series and totally perfect for Halloween.

After that, I saw that Maastastic (aka Fandomtastic) was doing a Black Dagger Brotherhood readalong for #fangsgiving. I’ve been thinking about rereading these for awhile, so I couldn’t resist.

I read the first five books and they were just as good (if not better) than I remembered them. It’s been about ten years since I was first introduced to them. They are paranormal romance (vampires).

I’m currently reading the sixth book, Lover Enshrined, and that’s the last one that Maastastic was doing for the readalong, but I plan to keep going.