Episode 113 – Anima Mundi

Thank you so much for tuning in to the Cozyegg flosstube/podcast! In this episode I share my continued progress on Mary Snow, #dark13stitching, and some plans. Music: BenSound.


Recently replaced my old iPad Mini with a new iPad so that I could make the switch to digital planning. I’m using the Modern Mystic’s Yearly Planner from Hello Lovely Planners. It’s taking some getting used to.

I’ve recently been taking some classes from Professor of Words and took two of her Guillermo del Toro classes, one on Crimson Peak (one of my fave movies) and one on The Shape of Water.

I’m currently in the midst of her series on The Women of Game of Thrones: Goddess Archetypes and Garments and it is so, so good.

FiberTalk recently had my friend, Shelly, on as a guest and she shared not only some of the beautiful samplers she has stitched but she also talked a bit about Sarah Ann Banton (she owns the antique I reproduced) and her newest acquisition, a Bristol sampler, that I am also reproducing. Well worth a watch.


Mary Snow by Hands Across the Sea – DMC and AVAS on 40ct Antique Sampler by Victorian Motto.

Dracula Book Cover by Dam Good Crafts – DMC on 40ct Red Gander linen

New Purchases:

I have been wanting the Anima Mundi tarot deck from The Creeping Moon since I first saw her starting the paintings on Instagram. And now, I finally have my own deck and it is beautiful! This deck is actually what inspired my color palette for my conversion of Dutch Beauty.

I recently saw that Karen of Fox & Rabbit, Julie of Kansas City Girl in a Colorado World, and Julie of Julesssdarling are stitching Primitive Needle’s Moon Sicke on the full moon every month. How could I resist? Karen and Jules are stitching theirs on Duxbury linen from Fox & Rabbit, and I love how it looked so I ordered some in 40ct.

I also, spur of the moment ordered some Fiber on a Whim Affogato in 40ct because I thought it might work for another Primitive Needle piece, Tombstone Spots, that I’ll be starting in a few months. I ordered both fabrics and some needles from Christine at Hollis Hands Create.


Thinking about working on my Dutch Beauty (Dark Beauty) again. Dutch Beauty by Permin of Copenhagen – my own “Dark Beauty” conversion on 40ct Zweigart Mallow hand-dyed by me

Also, continuing on Mary Snow.


Finished reading Lover Mine & Crave in my Black Dagger Brotherhood/Fallen Angels read.

Currently reading: Lover Unleashed

Next up: planning to read The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness so that I can watch season 3 of Discovery of Witches.

Then, I’m planning a reread of House of Earth & Blood (Crescent City 1) before House of Sky and Breath is released in February.