Episode 119 – This Is the Vibe

Thank you so much for tuning in to the Cozyegg flosstube/podcast! In this episode I share what I worked on for #samplerseptember and my plans for #darkoctoberstitching. Music by: https://www.bensound.com


Mabon by The Primitive Hare. Stitched with my own overdyed conversion on 40ct PTP Doubloon. Changed the grapes to an apple. Started for Dark 13 Stitching and finished a few days later.


Moon Sicke by The Primitive Needle. My own silk conversion on 40ct Duxbury by Fox & Rabbit. Stitching it monthly on the full moon.

Jane Ann 1871 by Cozyegg Designs (model stitch). Soie Surfine on 40ct Hogbristle by Fox & Rabbit

Plans for Dark October Stitching

Samhain by The Primitive Hare – this is the last of the sabbat series I have to stitch.

Tombstone Spots by The Primitive Needle – Weeks on 40ct Affogato by Fiber on a Whim

Black Cat Hollow by Barbara Ana – DMC on 32ct PTP Murky

Cecropia Moth by Whistlestop Stitcher – DMC on 40ct Zweigart Anthracite

The Raven (Spirits of the Woods) by Primitive Hare – DMC and GAST on 30ct Boleyn linen from Primitive Hare


Time is a Phoenix pendant from Bloodmilk Jewels

Halloween project bag from Sew Much 2 Luv – a gift from my dear friend, Annette.


Finished Lover Arisen by J.R. Ward. The last of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series I have to read.

Currently reading Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas. Recommended by S Elizabeth (ghoulnextdoor on Instagram).


Here are all the recommendations I received for videos/channels to watch:

I hope you find something lovely to watch! If you have any other recommendations, please send them over!