Thank you so much for tuning in to the Cozyegg flosstube/podcast! In this episode I share a look back at March, April, and May – what I worked on, the changing of the seasons, getting ready for a new sampler release, and a little bit of the everyday.

- Eric’s herb garden
- Making almond cookies
- The huge flock of cedar waxwings eating all the berries off our tree
- Finishing reading Feverborn and starting Feversong
- Printing copies of Sarah Ann Banton to donate for a raffle
- Making Eric’s cassata cake and celebrating our anniversary
- Dinner out on Good Friday
- Easter dinner
- Soap from Ms. Bathory’s Apothecary


- An amazing program at Tudor Rose Sampler Guild with Katie Strachan sharing her embroidered caskets
- FFOing a finished of A Lady’s Dream by Kathy Barrick – stitched on 40ct cream linen with DMCs and overdyed cottons
- Visiting McKinney Knittery for the first time
- Watching Vienna Blood and stitching on Jane Ann
- Putting the last stitch in Jane Ann
- My owl visitor
- Framing Jane Ann and getting the proof from the printer
I hope you enjoyed this little interlude of vlog clips and what I’ve been up to over the past few months and that it brought a bit of respite to you. I’ll be back soon with a regular video.