Episode 28: La Cosa Nostra

Thank you so much for tuning in to the Cozyegg flosstube/podcast! In this episode I share my Stitch Maynia week 1 vlog.

And here’s part 2!

Week 1 of Stitch Maynia vlog:

Days 1 & 2 : New start Merry Wind Farm Hornbook freebie (Tudor Rose Sampler Guild SAL) – SNC Elephant & Castle on 40ct Weeks Tin Roof linen

Days 3 & 4: La Marquoir de Justine by Anne Pelletier Pauleau – Year of WIPs Challenge piece – my own conversion to AVAS, Gloriana, and Caron Soie Cristale on 40ct HDF linen coffee antiqued (started 2014)

Day 5: Colonial Garden by Plum Street Samplers – Year of WIPs Challenge piece – NPI on 40ct Lakeside Black Forest

Days 6 & 7: New start Mouline Rouge by Long Dog Samplers – Gloriana Poinsettia on 40ct Zweigart Antique White linen – bucket list piece

Haunted Dollhouse

Haunted Dollhouse – here is my inspiration The Bloggess’s dollhouse and here’s a link to my Pinterest board

The first thing we had to do was a little repair work, including putting it on a new base and regluing so everything was square.

Here is a link to Spinster Stitcher’s blog and to the donation page.

I also mentioned Running Stitch’s flosstube video on Maynia and new starts.

Thanks so much for watching!

I am grateful for new starts and new projects!

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