Episode 39: Descent

Thank you so much for tuning in to the Cozyegg flosstube/podcast! In this episode I share some WIP progress and some amazingly generous gifts.


  • Join Emily (eclecticpossessions) and I on Instagram for #dark13stitching where we stitch on something dark and creepy on the 13th of every month
  • Melanie’s Soulful Stitching Facebook group also has monthly Darktober stitching SALs on the 13th of every month
  • Join the Hawk Run Hollow SAL hosted by Abi Bellastitch and I – on Instagram you can use the #hrhvillagesal if you’re stitching on Village and/or use the tag #letsallmovetohawkrunhollow for any Hawk Run pieces.  Abi set up a Facebook group called Let’s All Move to Hawk Run Hollow if you’d like to join!
  • Year of WIPs Challenge in Melanie’s Soulful Stitching Facebook group
  • Salem Notforgotten SAL for the 325th anniversary of the Salem Witch Trials.  There is a Facebook group or you can use the #salemnotforgotten hashtag on Instagram.


Mystery 9 (Le Potager du Roi) by Chatelaine Designs on 32ct Zweigart Lavender Mist with silks, Petite Treasure Braid, delicas, and Swarovski crystals


Charts from Andi of Nana’s Needles: Rebecca Nurse by The Primitive Hare and Salem Village by Notforgotten Farm

Egyptian project bag from Emily of Eclectic Possessions

Alice in Wonderland bag – made by Christine of Stitch All the Things – from Down Sunshine Lane

Shout Outs

  1. Persnickety Stitcher
  2. Itiskismet_stitches
  3. Felicity Stitches

Thanks so much for watching!

Grateful for well-timed happy mail!

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