Episode 68 – Holiday Sparkle

Thank you so much for tuning in to the Cozyegg flosstube/podcast! In this episode I share what I’ve been working on and my 2019 plans.


Finally stretched and framed Mystery 9 (aka The King’s Vegetable Garden) by Chatelaine Designs!! Eric built the frame for me and I painted it a blue that matched one of the blue threads. And now it’s hanging on my gallery wall.


Anniversaries of the Heart by Blackbird Designs – finished Moonlight Visitor (block 9). I made some color changes in this block – used CC Bean Sprout for GA Endive, CC Steamed Broccoli for GA Piney Woods, used the DMCs for Almost Auburn and Tufted Yellow, added Weeks Iris and CC Cinnamon Toast, and Weeks Read Pear for GA Woodrose. I wanted the tree to be a bit greener and the butterfly to be a bit more purple. Dedicated to my grandmother and to Reverend Kay. I’m stitching these all on one piece of 40ct Vintage Examplar by Lakeside.

Started on block 10 – Pumpkin Farm.

Yuletide Hornbooks by Milady’s Needle – Belle Soie Icing on 40ct Midnight by Lakeside – over one.

Stash Enhancement

Ouija Board needleminder from Colour & Cotton from my friend Mary.

2019 Plans

Focus on a Finish: Anniversaries of the Heart

New Year start: Crowned Bird Sampler with Becky and Rachel, with the plan to have it done before Paulette comes back to Tudor Rose in September. I’ve previously stitched the companion stitcher’s tray.

Blackbird Designs stockings with my friends, Mary and Jana, throughout the year. I am planning on stitching one a month. For January, I’m going to stitch the Auld Lang Syne stocking from the January booklet.

I have previously stitched the Happy Birthday stocking and all three of the February stockings. These were all on the called for 30ct R&R linen with the called for threads.

Working on WIPs for High Tea hosted by Caroline from Off the Grid Needlearts each month – picking a focus WIP for each month.

Project Bag Roulette – added my project bags into the Tiny Decisions app and then I can spin the wheel and pick a project in that bag to work on for a week.

Primitive Hare Sabbat SAL – there are eight freebie designs and I would like to stitch all of them. I’m contemplating starting Yule today for Yule and the Winter Solstice.

Working on some “closet projects”.


Finished reading Discovery of Witches

Currently reading Winter Street, which I’ve been saving to read during winter.


Oh, and my nails are Sinful Colors Hot Spot and the accent nail is Orly Macabre Masquerade. Love this combo.