Thank you so much for tuning in to the Cozyegg flosstube/podcast! In this episode I share two finishes, my current WIPs, and a look at some of my sampler chart stash.
Music by: bensound
I have officially been creating flosstube videos for five years! Here’s a look back at my first video in January of 2015.
- The Crowned Bird by Plum Street Samplers – Belle Soie & NPI on 36ct Vintage Meadow Rue – designed for the Tudor Rose Sampler Guild; I changed the verse to a (slightly modified) quote by Shakespeare)

- Awakening (Imbolc) freebie by The Primitive Hare – my own conversion to CC, Wisper, GAST Simply Wool, and Caron Wildflowers on 32ct Natural Light Linen

- His Eye is on the Sparrow by Heartstring Samplery – called for overdyed threads on 48ct hand-dyed Gander linen

Stash Enhancement
- WIP Finder cards from Dyeing to Stitch

- Thread Rings from Becky at Socks for Mum

- Ann Thomas 1854 by Hands Across the Sea Samplers

- Tudor Bee exclusive 20th anniversary design for Tudor Rose Sampler Guild by The Blue Flower and threads provided by the guild

- Emily C’s birthday SAL in March #averyscarlettbday – Emily is stitching Salem Hill Sampler from The Scarlett House (which I have on order from my LNS)

- I may also work on The Little Red Chair Sampler by The Scarlett House

Stash Dive
The Scarlett House charts
- Finished The Bear & the Nightingale

- Started Frankenstein by Mary Shelley