Thank you so much for tuning in to the Cozyegg flosstube/podcast! In this episode I share some WIPs and and my plans for #dark13stitching on Friday the 13th. Music by: BenSound.
- His Eye is on the Sparrow by Heartstring Samplery – called for overdyed threads on 48ct hand-dyed Gander linen (changed the house color to Mulberry)

- Game of Swannes by Long Dog Samplers – called for overdyed threads on 40ct Luna by Colour & Cotton (worked on for the #LongDogLeapDaySAL)

- Hex on the Beach by Tula Pink – English Paper Piecing kit with Tula Pink Saltwater fabric

New starts
- Coverlet Berry Scissor Tray by The Scarlett House – called for GAST & Weeks overdyed threads on 40ct Vintage Strawflower by Lakeside Linens (started for Emily C’s birthday SAL #averyscarlettbday)

- #dark13stitching on Dutch Beauty by Permin of Copenhagen – my own conversion to a Dark Beauty on 40ct overdyed Mallow linen

- Black (Gothic) sampler wall – 1816 Vierlande Sampler from the Summer & Fall 2015 issues of SANQ

- Mini Jewel Scarabs by Dimples Designs – DMC & Kreinik on 32ct Natural Glenshee Premium Linen (kit) – thinking of changing out linen and inspired to pick this back up after some inspiration from the Pitt Rivers Museum

Photo of the kit borrowed from here
- Quilt Retreat at the end of month and hoping to finish piecing my Marcelle Medallion quilt top (pattern by Alexia Abegg using some of my favorite fabrics) – currently working on the next to last border

- Frankenstein by Mary Shelley