Episode 9: Clearing the WIPs


Hand-quilting with perle cotton on my Indulgence table topper quilt – finished 9/11/15

Stealth quilt top pattern by Janet Kime from her book The Cat’s Meow – fabrics purchased and cutting done wayyyyy back in 2001/2002. Began sewing 4/12/14 and top finished 9/26/15


Ornament and guild nametag finishing.  The twisted cording tutorial I used is from Pinwheel Ponders.

Yowza Weigh It Shawl by Susan B. Anderson – using Miss Babs Yowza in the Zombie Prom colorway and size 8 Signature circulars.

Pansy Park BOM by Thimbleberries quilt

New start: Black’d Skie by The Primitive Needle – stitching on 40ct Vintage Pear linen by Lakeside Linens with Pure Palette and Silk n Colors silks begun on 9/19/15.

Find me on Ravelry: cozyegg


Currently reading Kushiel’s Dart by Jacqueline Carey

Book study continues on Sarah Robbins’ Rock Your Network Marketing Business


  1. MAGIC list: remaining items on my list to finish this year are His Eye is on the Sparrow and six Christmas ornaments
  2. Books: Goodreads Challenge for 2015 – 19 books to go to meet my goal of 25 books
  3. Quilting: finish Pansy Park quilt top, and possibly start hand quilting my blue &  white quilt, possibly start sewing on my leaders/enders quilt top

I am grateful for the comfort of my creative and crafty pursuits.

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