Thank you so much for tuning in to the Cozyegg flosstube/podcast! In this episode I share progress on a new SAL (#cureformelancholysal), WIP progress, and more WIP parade (#wipparade). Music by BenSound.
Stash Enhancement:
- Notforgotten Farm – Melancholy, Bucks Co. Pennsylvania Pillowe, Olde Mustarde Moone

- Tudor Rose Biscornu – exclusive design for Tudor Rose Sampler Guild 20th anniversary by Heartstring Samplery

- Baba Yaga Sampler by Threadsower

- His Eye is on the Sparrow by Heartstring Samplery – called for overdyed threads on 48ct hand-dyed Gander linen

- Melancholy by Notforgotten Farm – my own overdyed conversion on 40ct Confederate Gray by Weeks – SAL with Emily C (eclecticpossessions), Diana (itiskismet_stitches), and Michelle (Michelle Bendy Stitchy) #cureformelancholysal

- Finish Melancholy
- Move onto page 4 of Sparrow
- HallowEden by Plum Street Samplers for #dark13stitching

WIP Parade:
- Jinx by Raise the Roof Designs – DMC, GAST, Weeks on 32ct Under the Sea Fabrics Lovechild
- T is for Thread (finished) and N is for Needle (not started) from the Alphabet Series by Carriage House Samplings – DMC & GAST on 28ct Sugar Cookie Jobelan by Silkweaver
- Mermaids of the Deep Blue by Mirabilia – DMC on 32ct Ocean Waves Belfast by Stitches and Spice
- Vierlande Winders’ Keeper by Amy Mitten – Fibers to Dye For silks on 32ct Antique Copper linen (online workshop)
- Jenny Bean’s Christmas Sampler by Shakespeare’s Peddler – GAST on 40ct Vintage Navy Bean by Laskeside Linens
- Santas by Birds of a Feather (Green – finished; Red, Black, Gold – not yet started) – Weeks on 40ct Cocoa by Weeks
- Pearl Lights by Chatelaine Designs – NPI, Caron Waterlilies, Dinky Dyes Silk, SNC, Thread Gatherer Silk Perle, Rainbow Gallery Petite Treasure Braid on 32ct Black Zweigart
- Dracula Book Cover by Dam Good Crafts – DMC 310 on 40ct Gander linen
- Mermaid Treasure Box by Chatelaine Designs – NPI, Caron Waterlilies, SNC, Rainbow Gallery Petite Treasure Braid on 32ct White Zweigart
- Peace on Earth by Blackbird Designs – GAST & Weeks on 30ct Sheeps Straw by R&R
- Twelve Days of Christmas by Plum Street Samplers (finished day 1, day 2 not yet started) – Gloriana, Belle Soie & AVAS on various linens
- Christmas Celebration Sampler by Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery – DMC and GAST on 32 ct natural/white dot linen
- Simple Things by Blackbird Designs – Weeks on 30ct Marva’s Blend R&R
- Autumn on Lazy Bear Mountain by Kathy Barrick – Weeks on 35ct hand-dyed Irish linen
- Stockings by Blackbird Designs (you can see some previous finishes: Be Mine stocking, Sweetheart Sampler stocking, and the Happy Birthday and February’s Violets stockings).