Episode 96: Harvest Moon

target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">in this video. Music by: Bensound.


  • Women of the Mayflower (from Finelines Magazine Spring 2004) by Sarah Ullman – My own conversion to CC, GAST, & Weeks on 40ct PTP Mello – stitching for the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower and started on September 6th, the date they set sail and planning to stitch 66 days and finishing November 9th when they arrived at Cape Cod

My conversion:

  • OWS Moonlight Madness = Weeks Deep Sea
  • OWS Virtue Teal = GAST Peacock
  • OWS Emblem of Innocence Rose = CC Rosy Glow
  • OWS American Quaker Gold = Weeks Whiskey
  • OWS Solitude Green = CC Four-Leaf Clover
  • OWS Gratitude Olde Rose = GAST Nutmeg
  • OWS Quaker Meetinghouse Rust = CC Roasted Chestnut
  • OWS Shaklewell Wine = Weeks Baked Apple
  • OWS Quaker Star Gold = GAST Summer Meadow
  • OWS Kelp = GAST Sea Spray
  • Added in Weeks Williamsburg Blue for the verse and the names

Dark October Plans:

#darkoctoberstitching is hosted by myself and Emily of Eclectic Possessions for the month of October. We also host #dark13stitching on the 13th of every month. If you’d like to take a look back at my previous Dark October videos, I have them on a playlist on my channel.

  • Starting At First Cock’s Crow by Blackbird Designs from their Sisters book – called for GAST threads on 40ct Weeks Cocoa – #octsistersbdaysal hosted by Becky Socks for Mum and Christine of Hollis Hands Create
  • Black’d Skie by The Primitive Needle – Pure Palette & SNC silks on 40ct Vintage Pear by Lakeside – replaced Sedona Hills for the alphabet with AVAS 4614
  • Dracula Book Cover by Dam Good Crafts – DMC on 40ct Red Gander linen
  • Make a decision on Village of Hawk Run Hollow by Carriage House Samplings – DMC on 36ct Vintage Light Examplar by Lakeside #letsallmovetohawkrunhollow
  • Halloween Neighborhood – various charts with a mix of threads on 35ct Brandy by CountryStitch – last house added was a Lizzie Kate from Very Scary Mystery Sampler

New chart to start is Hallow Wee House by Chessie & Me

There is a SAL going on for Lindy Stitches‘ new pattern called Dracula’s Confession hosted by Julie Kansas City Girl in a Colorado World and Diana Itiskismet Stitches where they are starting the piece on October 1st and also reading Bram Stoker’s Dracula. #shadeandshadowsal

Stash Enhancement:

  • Thread rings from Becky Socks for Mum
  • Weeks 40ct Cocoa and GAST Pumpkin Pie for At First Cock’s Crow


  • Finished Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
  • Starting Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer for Dark October