Sharing my first stitch with me video and answering the Emily C tag. I was stitching on Mystery 9 by Chatelaine Designs and here are the questions Emily C. asked in her stitch with me video:

- What is your favorite cereal?
- What are your favorite pizza toppings?
- You’re on death row. What is your last meal?
- It’s laundry day. What are your really weird bottom of the drawer underwear?
- Who would play you in a movie about your life?
- What food items do you sneak into the movie theater in your purse – or man bag?
- What is your perfect vacation?
- You’re stuck on a deserted island and can have 5 things. What do you have?
- If you could have a reproduction style chart with any theme possible, what would the theme be?
- What is your strangest travel experience? Bonus points if you’ve ever spent time in a foreign jail.
- What are you saving money for right now?
- What craft would you like to try/get better at?
- If you had to stitch only three designers for the rest of your life, who would you choose?
- Dumbest way you have ever been injured?
- What is your worst roommate or housemate story?
- You have unlimited income. What does your dream house look like? (Insert picture if possible.)
- What song would you want played/sang at your funeral/memorial?
- What is your favorite board or card game?
- Who was your first celebrity crush?
- If you could capture a smell in a candle or perfume what would that smell be?